The plain peoples of Ireland are being replaced by the urban modern thinkers
the future
Is it true that uucoam Barry Woodman got some heavies involved?
There wouldn’t be any doubts as to what he’d stoop to. An unmitigated cunt.
Fucking cunts out in the fields last night til after midnight saving some crop to accelerate global warming. Was there a sign of them this morning as I left the house at 7.30? Pfft.
That’s five minutes of my life I’ll never get back.
They were gone at 6 lad,you missed them
I hope they spread some nice organic shite on it later today
Did you want them to save it twice?
They’ll be blocking the roads with their EU funded machines around 4 this evening on their way to start another “day’s work”.
Ah yes… And your cheerios come from the magic oatie tree in the middle of unicorn park.
Hon the beef farmers. What happened in the talks lads?
We riot
We riot.
From my limited knowledge of it, I’d be on the farmers side for this one.
It seems like they are getting shafted.
Is it a complete Cartel when it comes to pricing or do some places pay better than others?
I’m assuming the processors are fairly spread out geographically? So while there might theoretically be competition, a farmer probably only has one realistic option in his region?
Say I’m a beef farmer in West Limerick, is APB in Rathkeale my only option?
It’s going to get messy now.