The Official TFK Father's Issues Thread. I don't know how they do it

@smark - live target for you here.

you can laugh at this but dont until you try,
a plate of chopped white raw onion under the bed works wonders for a cough or wheezy chest especially if triggered by teeth
one night i had a sore throat and the wife made me some sludge conainting a juiced onion, menuka honey and a lemon, i was right the next day,
try the onion under the bed, itll help i guarantee

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the terrible two’s and by fuck the were bad are becoming the terrible three’s i believe…
thoughts lads?

can you throw up a picture of her , in a bikini or something


Can you give me her number?


Deviant rating but marks for effort…:joy:

Thanks. I’ll give it a go the next time I’m down that road

A good time.

Madness. But go with it.

@Juhniallio what school did you go for in the end?

That onion thing proved to be horseshit in my experience but whatever works.

Our lad just started walking properly in the last week. When you see things like that happening you’d wonder why you bother getting stressed out by stuff that in the greater scheme of things doesn’t really matter.


That’s great for you, every milestone is fantastic. You’ll be back worrying about pointless shit by evening though.


Likebait rating (nice one though pal - he picked a good week)

Harsh reality-check rating


Jesus that’s a bit late mac. He must be about 18 months… Mini mac will be the last fella picked in PE at this rate. I’d get worrying if I was you.

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Yeah he was late walking on his own. Walking with a walker for the last few months but not without it. He’ll be grand.


Great stuff.he will be legging around the place soon.keeping up with him is the next challenge


Soon you’d be longing for the times when he’d still be in the place where you left him.


I think she told him after a few such encounters as word was beginning to reach him