The Official TFK Father's Issues Thread. I don't know how they do it

Sorry Ray.

Look after her!

We hurt but nothing in comparison.


I’m sorry to hear that Ray. I’ve been that soldier and came out the other side. We have a girl and another small one on the way please God.

It’s a horrible thing. Your missus feels so guilty and responsible while you feel shit for just the whole situation being out of your control. The hopes and dreams you’ve had over the past few weeks just evaporate.

We found the counselling services in the hospital great. They had masses at the end the year for people who had miscarriages or lost kids in similar circumstances. There was a kind of closure about them. Like a funeral.

It’s good to communicate about this stuff. Too many people walk around pretending it doesn’t happen or matter.

Look after the pair of ye. As some one said above go away for a few days to where no one knows ye. One thing we did that helped.


You’re a good un ( for a Tipp man)


Hard luck Ray. Mind her as it will be harder for her than you.

@Fat_Pox has said it very well in his post above

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+1. I’d work lined up in Dublin for a few days a week or two after it was all over that I couldn’t get out of. Book a nice hotel in nice location, went out for dinners and a few drinks, and just let her chill out while I was working, taking another day to spend with her.
PS - congrats to you and Mrs Pox


So sorry to hear that news Ray

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Sorry for your loss Ray, been there. Very compassionate advice given, all well ment.

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This is a subject that is real and true, there is hard evidence to back it up and happens every time!!
Whenever you sit down to take a shit at home a child will sense it and come looking for you.
Ben and Jerry playing ball out the back, Derbhla on her pad, little princess with Ms Locke. All fed and watered. Time for my Sunday morning shit shower and shave. The seat wasn’t even warm when Jerry came up looking for me :triumph:


Thats nothing. I got a holler from the eldest from the other room the other day. He’d tore out of the kitchen to the jacks 10 mins earlier. I arrive in to a scene of absolute carnage. Tummy bug had seen him barely make the jacks. It was like something out of Nam. But then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something I’ll never unsee. The toddler, happily sitting in the middle of it making poo shapes. Your entire life stops in that moment, and you consider every possibility, one of which was walking out and never coming back. No one could have judged me.

In the end, I stripped them both, burnt the clothes and fired them into the shower and hosed them down. Facing into the toilet half an hour later took courage no man should have to muster.

Toilet cleaned, kids munching on scones on the couch, I enjoyed my 3 chain smoked cigarettes wondering how did it all come to this.


that’s great posting.

our little one had an “incident” at a neighbours house the other day. They’ve a kid the same age and our one was over playing with their kid in the house. I was out the back with the father and his little youngfella came out and said “she’s doing a poo”.

I ran in, it started in the hallway, little ones. trailed into the sitting room, and there she was squatting down over the rug letting fly.

I cleaned it and her as best I could, apologised and offered to pay for a professional clean/house move.

At least they had a kid too, so were very understanding.


Savage stuff lads. Shit happens.

My two year old wanted me to bring him on his cousin’s tricycle the other day. Took about 5 minutes to get everything ready and out we go, “I don’t want to go” was the comment as his aunt and mother had just closed the door. I wasn’t having any of it and soldiered on fighting to control it as he kept turning the wheel towards the wall. I was furious with him and the walk lasted less than 10 as I eventually gave up and brought him back.

He decided to decorate the sitting room the following day. TV, couch, walls, windows and sills all covered (non permanent marker thankfully) and I wasn’t the slighest bit annoyed. I wondered why I got so annoyed with the tricycle but not the decorating. He was acting his age both times but I wasn’t.


Well said

you had the first one built up as something you’d enjoy yourself. the second one you just have to accept or else you’d go mental.

my one is at that trick now of wanting things and then when you go get it she doesn’t want it. I want a banana. Ok, love. No I want an apple. Ok, so. No I wan’t a biscuit. Quite clever actually, start out with something agreeable to all parties and then in the end she gets what she really wants.

how bad are the tantrums with the lads? my little princess is less tantrumy and more mental torture type breakdowns

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Very true about the differnet situations, I was looking forward to the walk.

Little fucker is at the same “I want this” but “not that one”. I call his bluff but he’s running rings around his mother.

Sorry mate, gutted for you both.

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The girls will just fuck with your head and torment their brothers (if they have any), our lads tantrums means he could literally kick a hole in the kitchen door (he has tried). Having spoken to other parents, you will get around boys but you will never get the girls to back down…


you have to be craftier with the girls… you can’t distract them with a toy digger or loader, and the same trick doesn’t work twice with my little one. I’m nearly better at plamausing now at this stage than the Healy-Rae’s

Boys wreck your house
Girls wreck your head

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my little one would buy and sell anyone. its frightening to see how crafty she can be at 6. god help me when shes a teenager