The Official TFK Father's Issues Thread. I don't know how they do it

Nice one kid

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Congrats @Julio_Geordio

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Congrats @Julio_Geordio. If you ever need any advice just ask.


Congrats Julio

We won’t see you tonight then

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What else will he be doing?

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Whatever the missus had told him to do

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He’ll be kicked out of the ward around 7 is it? - He’ll be only dying to fill the hours until they let him back in.

Ward :smile:

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What time is closing so?

Partners at ten o clock I think, assuming he has insurance it’s very likely she’s in a private room which you’d rarely be bothered in unless she’s giving pleading eyes to the midwives :grinning:

I feel like your trying to say something here but you’re afraid to come out with it.

@Julio_Geordio congrats, mighty news.

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I think he’s trying to say Julio is to mean to pay for a private room.

Apologies for interrupting your bants mate, perhaps he’ll make the quiz after all

So you have nothing to say and just wanted to post a few smiley faces? bizarre.

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Odd comment, I hope I educated you somewhat, now you know that visiting hours don’t end at seven you might be able to make it up after work if you wanted to visit someone

Congrats @Julio_Geordio

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Congrats Julio :clap:

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Congrats @Julio_Geordio

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