@Copper_pipe will clear this up
It would be more in your line now to go away there for yourself and learn how to fry a tomato.
I havent been there in well over 8 or 9 months id say. The only female I ever saw “working” there was the bookies daughter and she was about my age…
The bookies daughter!!
When night stirred at sea and cheltenham brought a crowd in, O she was the Sunday in every week
Keeping an eye on Brian Ferry for 20 years would do that to you i’d imagine .
Sunday is a cunt of a day,
She was a cunt too tbf
This is an unsettling development. It would always be the idiot son who would be sent away from the farm to work. The sort of fella who’d be dangerous to leave around the farm for fear of setting fire to himself or the likes. Say it aint so bro?
Jet petrol station, Shannon Banks, 1997.
How’s it going fuckface?
I wouldn’t be one of those fellas that would be needlessly knocking a days work out of a small farm mate… certainly not when there was soft money to be made down the road.
Ah, small farm. Fair enough, carry on bro.
Downes and Howards 1993
Did he leave?
A lot of kudos due to @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy who once again has perfectly gauged the mood of the forum by creating this box office thread and subsequently luring @ChocolateMice back