The official TFK list of 🐐 experts - Hurleyers on the ditch

Thread needs to be renamed the try hard thread.

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The socio-economic demographics of the average private school across Ireland.

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Middle aged white men who know how to best handle discussions on race with 13 year old black kids.

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Oddly enough he’s describing himself here.


Are you including yourself and Aodhan in this?

The lack of self awareness in this place is astonishing at times.


What people are allowed call each other in limerick city housing estates and from which other estates

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Where is it, sounds like an interesting topic for a change

Twitter thread. Its not

Sports induced Asthma

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We don’t have an expert on road bowling.

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What is there to it? Throwing a few rocks down a hill? It’s not exactly golf in its simplicity but it’s not far off

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It’s probably more skilful. You have to allow for the camber and the bends on the road not to lose your bowl in the ditch with every shot. Maybe that makes me an expert, I saw it once.

Ffs. Metal

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You can loft it over a bend as well. 28 ounces those yokes are. They’d take the leg clean off you if a fella missed a bend

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They’re nearly like cannonballs. The skill is in curling it around the bends. That’s how you really win. Strength is a big help also because they’re heavy. I used to know a few old farmers around Monaghan who did it but I never saw a game. I’d say it’s very good craic to play. The motorcar killed it really.

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You just need a few lads stopping the traffic

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Mick Barry is the biggest name in Cork bowling, famously lofted one over the big viaduct on the road to west Cork back in the 60s, the best known feat by any bowler,
Here he is at 78 bowling a score in 1997.

Back when I was playing AUL soccer in Cork you’d come across these lads on a Sunday morning out the country, an awful pain in the hole, they’d have the traffic held up for ages. There used be a big rivalry with the Armagh bowlers one time, I think they had a different way of throwing but I couldn’t be sure of that

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Those rocks are dangerous, hard to believe grown men get so obsessed with it

What I find mysterious is the fact that these folk are allowed even to this day take over the roads for a daft oul’ bit of pegging a bowl down the way. Madness.

The very proponents of this childish amusement give out yards about the ethnic minority having a few pony and trap excursions, a practise that’s centuries old.

That’s the Cork crowd for you.