The official TFK list of 🐐 experts - Hurleyers on the ditch

Apostrophes aren’t too bad, they’re often autocorrect mistakes,
The misuse of the comma is criminal here, what started as a passive aggressive way of saying you’re not my mate has become painful to my eyes,

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Guilty as hell ref misuse

I recall being told there are more than 20 rules for use of commas.

Where do you stand on the Oxford comma? I think we were taught to leave it out.

Boxers from boxing’s “golden-age”.

Commas and their use

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Fuck the Oxford comma, nobody cares, it’s always left out.
The only rule that matters is that it indicates a slight pause in speech,
That’s my thinking on it mate (see, you’re really my mate)
As opposed to, nice question, mate (I think you’re a cunt)

But you’ve lads using them all over the place.

Hopefully this will help once we get over the initial hilarity of everybody peppering replies to me with commas.

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Strunk and White on Grammar is a small book that is the definitive guide on apostrophes and grammar generally.

I once worked with a grammar Nazi who insisted on 2 apostrophes in can’’t as two letters had been dropped out.


Correct grammer is incredibly important, it can mean the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse.


Correct grammer…wtf.

Must try harder.


Should have gave him a backhander

My head teachers constant comment on my annual report

What constitutes success

That depends how old you are.

Whether we live in a neural network or a computer simulation.

Dropping a kitchen on to a potentially uneven floor.


Eamon o Cuiv

God’s brain

Management of forests. Pruning dry tinder and controlled fires.

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Unreal. The farmer is going to plumb the kitchen sink and he doesn’t know what a kick board is.

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