The official TFK list of 🐐 experts - Hurleyers on the ditch

The English speaking abilities of Chelsea FC’s German contingent.

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The intricacies of the quote function on internet forums.


The salary scales of teachers.

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the moods of mohamed salah

How to warm up for a prostate exam

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How to get into LIT

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A fair to middling Leaving Cert should be more than sufficient.


A lot less if you can hold a Hurley

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Global CO2 emissions

Coffee beans from Dingle.

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Stock markets

The various orientations of altars in Churches in Limerick County


That they might face the rising sun

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This thread has become woeful.

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The β€œart” of goalkeeping coaching

It was always woeful.

Gerrup outa that…

Threads on TFK becoming woeful

WW2 military strategy.

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