The official TFK list of 🐐 experts - Hurleyers on the ditch

Huge gap after opening in the topic of Matress recommendations on the Sleep thread.

I expect a few suspects to step up and fill this void quite soon.

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They’re under the beds, not on them.


I wonder who will step up? I reckon it’ll be a fella from Cork that nails it.

Modern architecture in Dubbalin and it’s suburbs.

Romania, it’s people and their culture.

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That daft Cork cunt? I’m out so…


Putting the childer to sleep.

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Somewhat appropriately for the thread title, we are back around to drugs and now the trafficking thereof.

-the amount of sodomy lads living in warrior societies got up to

If Adam was gay none of us would be here today… Now @glasagusban and @EstebanSexface would have us believe homosexuality is perfectly normal. But, Adam being gay, despite him being the only man on earth, actually shows that it’s a mental dysfunction. How can you be attracted to men when they don’t exist? Maybe homosexuality is narcissism gone out if control.

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Cain and Abel didn’t lick it up off a stone.

Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.


:point_right::ok_hand: not :point_right::point_left: or :ok_hand::ok_hand:

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What do people who believe that Homosexuality and Gender Dysphoria isn’t a type of a disorder say regards other types of sexual preferences… we’ll start with Beastiality, for example.

Would the enlightened say that Beastiality is a disorder or a natural sexual preference?


The obvious one is peadophile…

No doubt the lads will fall back on consent here to get out of the argument. But they can’t say one form if sexuality is fine and then say the other is a mental disorder.

Yes that’s where I was going. To say that one sexual preference outside of biological norms is a disorder but another type of sexual preference outside of biological norms isn’t.

It’s a very interesting theory. Anyway, for even daring to discuss it we’ll be branded homophobes. And I wouldn’t mind but I love gays, sure weren’t all my ancestors stone mad for it.


I suppose you didn’t lick it off a stone.

Isn’t your surname a Gaelic Irish one? Tis of course sure. Your crowd were notorious for celebrating a few cattle raids “vigorously” @Thomas_Brady informs me



Michael D Higgins’ travel arrangements.