The official TFK list of 🐐 experts - Hurleyers on the ditch


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A confectionary wine created in the winery and not the vineyard !

It’s not the worst but I’ll drink it at €10 a pop. I know as much about wine as @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy knows about soccer.


Are there notba rake of good malbecs from Argentina and pinot noirs from Chile?

There are but I’m not a big fan of either varietal unless they’re from the old world.

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Dada is like the blossom hill of Malbec - grand for your late 30s single woman looking to get pregnant every night of the week but no match for grilled cow on la parilla


I’ve gone old school and explored the Malbecs from France where the grape originally came from. Cahors in particular is a treasure trove


Wonderful stuff, way better than most of the Argentinian malbec.

The Luna from Lidl is a grand drop of red.

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Did you by any chance have a zoom wine tasting with the nude wine company?

If in a restaurant with a sommelier, I always always give them a rough budget and ask them to choose. I’ve never been given a bad steer. Twice they’ve recommended two, but said the cheaper one was better than the more expensive. Ive always found them understanding and patient and aware that you’re out of your depth with both the wine list and the restaurant.


Wine is the new whiskey for these lads

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I haven’t the first idea about wine, as a young fella I’d drink it with a meal out to fit in thinking it’d grow on me but I never enjoyed it. So I laugh at the silly talk of ‘notes’ of things like peaches and walnuts etc
I do like coffee but the same nonsense prevails, in a coffee shop last week some hipster girl in front of me ordered a latte, she was standing around reading the literature about the coffee before breaking into a panic ‘STOP, have you made that yet, I’m allergic to peanut butter’


In blind taste tests wine “experts” can’t tell the difference between cheap and expensive wine so it’s all nonsense


… +1

Some of these cunts would be better off drinking ribena with a shot of vodka in it.


Rats and how they saunter/walk during the day


I bought a French Malbec recently from Super Valu for 8 euro. I wonder if it’s the same one.

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Prob the Rare label. I doubt it - have only really found Cahors in off licenses and wine shops.