The official TFK list of šŸ experts - Hurleyers on the ditch

India and its pandemic of the trots.

Depends on the beast I suppose. Throw us up a photo there

Porridge gamechanger toppings and accompaniments.



This thread is really the lowest of the low.

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Porridge is a cod


Itā€™s right up there with dumb/roll eyes ratings of days of yore for getting in amongst a lads zen.

If thatā€™s what you need to tell yourselfā€¦

Weā€™ve unearthed a staunch cohort of wine experts apparently.
Not content with expertise in the immediate urgency of immediacy, theyā€™re over there now discussing assorted cheeses and ā€œnibblesā€ to go with the recommended merlots etc.

Itā€™s incredible to see lads who hadnā€™t an arse in their trousers a decade ago engaging in this manner.


Charlatans. Spoofers. The lot of them.


Au contraire it shows how this board has developed into ā€˜modern and chicā€™

I thought youā€™d have squeezed your ā€œultracrepidarianā€ term thereā€¦

No, TUM has nailed it. Theyā€™ll revert to the norm as soon as the championship starts. This is merely one-upmanship currently. Weā€™ll revert to normal once the timber starts flying.
A pandemic driven diversion so it is. :pint:


A well stocked wine cellar really comes into its own should one run out of beer and whiskey

You need to believe in your bollox, I think, to be an ultracrepidarian.

The best word of them all is a word you must know well - a proper spine tingler where your blood feels like itā€™s made of crackling candy -

kvelling (silent k like the Holy Shrine) - an overwhelming sense of pride in the achievements of people you love

Youā€™d be hard pushed to find a bad carmenere from Chile.

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I have to say Iā€™ve found carmenere underwhelming.

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Iā€™d say she wasnā€™t too impressed with you either

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The three I had tonight were all completely different.

Not sure Iā€™d rush back.

It was interesting though as the lad explained that fine dining restaurants want aged reds that can taste like Bordeaux at a fraction of price.

Itā€™s all a nonsense but Iā€™m learning the vocabulary to articulate what I might prefer when asking about a wine

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South American wines are a bit hit or miss but Iā€™ve had some lovely Cabs and blended reds from Argentina and Chile. Good value as well.

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Iā€™d always go for a not too cheap Malbec if I was floundering with a wine list in a restaurant