The official TFK list of 🐐 experts - Hurleyers on the ditch

Rule 4s

I read that as rule 34s and thought someone had really jumped the shark :grimacing:

I’ve only become an expert in the last hour or so.


It was impressive

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Thanks. Nothing like the feeling of injustice to spur a fella to action.

Buying and selling kilos of weed


The likelihood of a dealer of cannabis being a purveyor of other products

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The TFK sisterhood are surprisingly knowledgeable about this topic.

It appears Breda and Karen love a bit of weed and coke, but NOT HEROIN!

That’s for the under classes (whom they spend their time vehemently defending)


If you were looking for a bitta heroin, and didnt know a heroin dealer, but knew a weed dealer, would you ask the weed dealer if he knew how to get a bitta heroin?

I’m not an expert, but I’d say you would.

Cutting worktops.


Relative merits of law firm experience of IP/sports lawyers who have gone in House.

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The height of Darragh O’Donovan

The size of Conor Browne.

[quote=“Fagan_ODowd, post:656, topic:30662, full:true”]
The size of Conor Browne.

I thought you meant the size of this lad - another of Mrs.Browne’s boys.



Mrs Lanigan is a big unit too.

Infant formula

Rail and light rail.

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Flying to Northern Italy from Dublin Airport