The official TFK list of 🐐 experts - Hurleyers on the ditch

Interview questions


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I’m pretty sure - in fact I’m entirely sure - it’s a lampooning of long thread internet experts. The fact I had to point this out is disheartening.

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I was looking forward to further gems over the next 26 tweets but I think I see what this guy is doing now.

I think viral long Twitter threads by pretend experts is a genre that is rife for lampooning, although I struggle to see how that lampooning can be taken in new directions. Perhaps it doesn’t have to be.

But everything on the INTERNET is post-post modern irony now. I hate it, even though I am part of it.

The price of petrol in Spain.


Hasn’t TFK opened a consulate in Spain this past week?


One abroad in Italia as well

I nominate @Thomas_Brady to hold down the fort over there

Free-taking off the ground techniques.

Where is it, if there’s one thing I’m an expert on it’s that

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All-Ireland football championship is the 1st thread would cross my mind and behold…there it is. Was never going to be in the Ravenous thread at any rate.

Considering you had lads debating the merits of Tony Kelly in the Madelaine McCann thread then you’d never know.


The whereabouts of Shane Lowry last Sunday.

I was a savage pinger of a dead ball. Bryan Sheehan would have nothing on me

I used to kick the frees as well. I had a lovely round the corner technique.

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I modeled myself on Brian Stafford. I was a real no frills man

Tony McTague was my hero.

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Unfortunately i found the transition from size 4 to size 5 troublesome. As a result i lost my free kicking duties when, as a tender and wide-eyed youth I… (@anon67715551 …)