The official TFK list of 🐐 experts - Hurleyers on the ditch

Toilet flushing

Saving the world one shit at a time

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It’s seems a group of mushrooms snippers have emerged from the pack.


Late and all but we’ve a coffee machine engineer in our midst.

@glenshane has multiple parts of a coffee machine interspersed with assorted tractor titbits, wrenches and ratchets all piled up on a table and he tells us he’s freed the air-lock in the deLonghi (substitute Ferguson) here.

He could have just pushed the airlock button on the side, but an impressive feat of engineering all the same.

One mycological slip up away from a liver transplant

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The “Minsk Agreements”.

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Impersonation and mimics and the merit of

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Nautical movements and parking.

Para-anchors have made their appearance here telling you all you need to know.

Fascinating as the saying goes….

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Hurricane levels/speed/power


Being the only forumite to experience and survive a hurricane, im qualified to speak on such matters

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A long history of Irish experts on wind strengths back to Rear Admiral Beaufort.

Your own stag did not constitute a hurricane

Seismic movements anyhow….

  1. Nova Scotia. One of the few who made it out alive.

Hurricane Juan.

Cork ghettos

The reach and capabilities of global superpowers’ fleet of unmanned submarine drones.


How big or indeed how small Cork is.

My boss says it’s a small place :man_shrugging:


Ariva 254 combos
