The official TFK list of 🐐 experts - Hurleyers on the ditch

Vin was the Jack Nolan of his day.

Im from Boston pal. Beat LA.

I’m a New Yawker, so like you I’ve never had the opportunity to listen to Vin calling play by play.

I’d imagine you’d need a bit about you if you are going to be trying to make a day long baseball match sound exciting.

While sober.

They don’t need or try to make it sound exciting, just keep talking, calling the actual game is very easy I’d say, filling the time between pitches is the challenge.

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The topography of Taiwan and its suitability for amphibious invasions.


Gay frogs.

Unbelievable level of knowledge on this topic tbf.

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The birth of Des Cahill

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Euthanizing pitbulls

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The preferred candidate for the Mayo football manager job


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Financial Fair Play rules in Spanish football


Game Based, Constraints Led, approach



World championship sprinting.

Lads here examining splits now :smiley:

Horny English mots at oirish gigs