The official TFK list of 🐐 experts - Hurleyers on the ditch

You do him a disservice.Sounds like an artist dedicated to his trade with extensive research in the field /footpath .he didn’t just say animal ,man or homeless woman, he’s narrowed down to a homeless man .

The skobes are circling :muscle:

The mannerisms of the average Noo Yawker

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Amazingly none of the experts agree with each other and generally favour those produced closest to home, I wouldn’t mind but everybody knows that you can’t beat the Cummins All Star

School lunches.


Rugby fee paying schools

The Limerick GAA PRO

On if Croke Park would sell out or not for the Leinster v Northampton rubby game this weekend (it did).

Peter Casey’s leg break



The UK’s social welfare system

Whether a child murderer is really a child murderer or not


Is this another dig at the @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and that green senator that rented a car to hit prams?

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It isn’t. If I wanted to call out gonzo, I’d do it far more directly than that

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And god help anyone who disagrees.

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:astonished: :astonished:

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I hoped it’d stop on the analysis of whether juries get bored or not but it was very naive of me to think that!

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I didn’t read any further than that as you knew where it was heading.

We are not experts on the age of Cork goalies turned wing forwards

youve done it now

5 4 3 2 1 Counting GIF

klaxon incoming