The Official TFK List of Holocaust deniers

Not the same thing though is it?

Where do I stand here, pal?

Give it another 30 posts Harry, see what way the populist wing is blowing, your being a bit rash here now.

If Palestine never existed prior to 1948 then I reckon equally, the holocaust never happened.

the Nazis did not murder six million Jews, the notion of homicidal gas chambers is a myth, and any deaths of Jews that did occur under the Nazis were the result of wartime privations, not of systematic persecution and state-organised mass murder.

What those Nazi bastards did was pure evil, but what the Jews are up to since then in the middle east is just as bad.

People can debate the numbers of people killed during the holocaust etc but I personally think that’s bollix, There was an attempt to wipe those people out and denying that happened is bollix talk.

In fairness to both German’s and Jews it’s those in power that are responsible for the vast majority of the evil shit. Human beings are generally decent regardless of nationality from my experience.

History is always written by the winners pal, but I wouldn’t say the gas chambers etc were a myth. That’s nieve talk in the extreme.

As in kind of a Jew, but not a full-on Jew…Jew-ish?

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Human beings are generally decent??? You got to be fucking sitting me. We are absolutely rotten to the core. We let people die from lack of food and shelter every day because of greed and corruption. We invent cures to horrible diseases but won’t give them to the poor as we have to make a profit. We have destroyed the planet, wiped out thousands of species. We enslave and traffic women and children for sex. Our gods are brain dead celebrities and sports people while aid workers, doctors and the likes are invisible, we go to war for false gods, for oil, to dominate other pieces of land… I could go on and on…we can kid ourselves about how important and amazing we are and big up our inventions and ability to explore the universe but we are truly the most destructive and disgusting species known to the planet. Fuck humans, horrible cunts.


Change your last sentence with the 1% instead of humans and I’d agree with you CM.

My mom, for most of her life, was a Holocaust denier. And it was terrible for the entire family to have to deal with until, finally, a couple years ago, we had an intervention. And we had a rabbi come into the home, had him walk her through the history of the Jewish people, and then he made her watch “Schindler’s List." And after that, my mom did a complete 180. Now she can’t believe it only happened once.


Check this tune out - granted, might not be your cup of tea musically, but lyrics should strike a chord…

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Are you alright Peter?

And this is all since you’ve moved to Cork. It’s only gonna get worse there pal.

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Lived in Germany for four years. 3 elements. Extreme right wing elements who if they had their way would still have the camps going strong.
The vast majority dont give a fuck as long as it happened in the past and doesnt effect them. Then there s the third element who refuse to talk or acknowledge it only because they ultimately lost the war


old rating. see post #2 FFS sake

Twice denied.

You’re almost at St Peter levels now.