Nothing Great about Britain

I wouldn’t

But linekar didn’t

He’s entitled to an opinion but he should ease off calling people Nazis , particularly his employers.

OK ewan

Comparing illegal immigration constraints to the Nazi’s carry on in the 1930’s is abhorrent.

Lineker is totally wrong tweeting that. You could argue his words are even anti-semetic. I don’t think he meant it that way but it could be perceived that way in fairness.

Of course his free speech is to be respected. But there are consequences sometimes depending on what you put out there.

Grow up.

Lineker didn’t compare Tories to the Nazis.

He correctly pointed out that the language of “threat”, dehumanisation and vilification of refugees was similar to that used in 1930s Germany. A comparison that is objectively correct.

How is Lineker being remotely anti-Semitc?

Is this anti-Semitic?


1930’s Germany reference let him down. I don’t think we would be talking about this if he didnt reference that as a comparison.

For me, it isnt a fair comparision and I can see where the BBC are coming from. (I’m not particularly a fan of them either)

For me though re immigration, why can’t it be dealt with via the usual procedures rather than the dangerous organised crime gangs extorting the most vulnerable on rubber dingy boats which can lead to human slavery etc etc.

Put it this way, you or me wouldnt be allowed into the US with certain criminal convictions etc, should that layer be done away with now entirely across the board??

Head shot

Smashing piece that

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He’s objectively correct. The UK government and media refers to an “invasion” of refugees “pouring” in when in fact the UK completely shirks its moral responsibility on refugees.

Of course it’s a fair comparison. Even if you don’t agree with it (and I fail to see how anybody would) it is objectively fair comment not uttered lightly.

Did you see that David Attenborough has been cancelled for offending Tories with science?

What happened to the “love of free speech” you lot were trumpeting? Will you now admit it was a transparent sham and was always so?

I highly doubt you’re a fan of the BBC or the idea of the BBC because you don’t strike me as the sort of person who likes the ide of public service broadcasting. Podcasts with demagogues would be more your thing.

You tell me what the “usual procedures” are for asylum?

The British would know all about human slavery. Do you think a government which deported members of the Windrush generation who had been in Britain for over 60 years has the well being of any of its non-elite citizens at heart, never mind refugees?

What sort of a regime rounds of refugees and flies them off to Rwanda, which is run by a dictatorship? The Danes do it too (or at least are planning on it) and they’re equally disgraceful for doing it.

Are you proposing to abolish asylum and the idea of refugees in general? That’s what it sounds like.

Is this woman “anti-Semitic”?

This is the reality of Britain.

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None of them could draw flys to shit. There are no new stars, and really and truly, that’s what they’re all worried about.

I’d doubt Gary’s bona fides here, the best thing I could say about this is that he is opening up MOTD sans third wheel. That speaks to himbut Man City and Newcastle are around a while, why now?

That’s the end of @The_Most_Infamous I’m afraid.


You mean occasionally her views coincidentally coincide with yours?

Very occasionally, in the extremely rare moments she decides to engage her brain, such as in her views on the Amber Heard verdict and today being Saturday.

Premier League Highlights is on now guys.

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He hasn’t been in a position like this since it was revealed he had filthy fingernails at the PP Xmas party

What’ll have to happen now? A host of BBC top brass to resign?

If you come at the King you best not miss i suppose.

They’ll try to brazen it out. The Tory installed top brass at the BBC want to destroy the BBC. That is why they are there. The question is can they and the Tories take the heat that doing that leads to.

Just in case anyone missed the opening highlight


This is the future, goals and action, no waffle. Lineker and the BBC between them have done us a big favour.