The Official TFK List of Holocaust deniers

Hitler had the right idea, he just chose the wrong individuals.

Expandez, sā€™il vous plait.

It should have been pikeys in those gas chambers

He would have gotten to the pikeys, but the Battle of Stalingrad made a cunt of his army.

True, but then again invading three months before the russian winter was never the brightest idea

Worth a watch



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@iron_mike, @anon7035031, @Nembo_Kid, @balbec, @The_Most_Infamous, @Brimmer_Bradley

@ChocolateMice, for trying to blame a few nuns for the deaths of many thousands of babies and young infants in 20th century Ireland, when the culture of the time was to turf unmarried mothers out on the street. You would think a historian would be interested in the truth, backed up by evidence, rather than jumping on the hate the church bandwagon.

In rough numbers, about 80,000 children were born per year in Ireland from 1920 to 1940. The mortality rate was bout 5% or 4,000 per year. The mortality rate in the Tuam home was about 5%, a remarkably low number, given the overcrowded conditions and the prevalence of infectious diseases like TB at the time. For comparison, the mortality rate among illegitimate children who were not in homes was about 4X that of children in homes.

An actual historian who was interested in evidence would conclude that rather than ā€œmurderingā€ 800 children, the Bon Secours nuns saved many thousands from almost certain death.


Sweep sweep

Are you not a Papist?

I canā€™t find any evidence that suggests anywhere near 800 babies died


Depends on a couple of things for him.

  1. Day of the week.
  2. What personality disorder is due to surface that particular day
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Cc @Ambrose_McNulty @Nembo_Kid

Who have I murdered mate?
Look, I understand you donā€™t like having your ass kicked up and down the forum, but try and engage in intelligent discourse rather than name calling.
Letā€™s assume that 796 babies and young infants died in the Tuam home. What evidence do you have that any were murdered? Compared to say the 100,000 or more than died of natural causes in Ireland during the same period.

So sheā€™s discovered that 796 babies and infants died in the Tuam home between its establishment in 1926 and closure in 1961. How do the nutters get from that statistic to 800 were murdered by the evil French order of nuns?

Ive no idea mate, perhaps some people are using this dreadful tragedy to further their own agendas.

I only posted that in response as @Tassotti had said he saw no evidence that almost 800 kids died in the home.

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All those babies went straight to heaven



Kicked up and down me bollox - The board is a form of entertainment for me, nothing more, you odious creep.