The Official TFK List of Holocaust deniers

If TFK ever gets too much for you, make sure and take a sabbatical.

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I knew I should have split that bearded hipster gobshite I saw in Nancy’s over the holidays, in the off chance it was you.

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I wouldn’t be caught dead in there, mate. I wasn’t near Limerick at crimbo - and you wouldn’t bate eggs you Nogra cunt. I’d rip your wind pipe out before you even thought about making your move.

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Has Miss Mac’s ( the former Round House) not got the Limerick hipster market now ??

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@Mac ?

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Anyway, Catherine Corless is a hero. Fair play to her for persevering.


Please go with him


A Limerick hipster is anyone who bathes more than once a week, and drinks nescafe gold blend.


Kevin Myers

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Nice article by Kevin Lynch about him:

:clap: My Arse :grinning:

Is it true her diary was redacted as she was becoming a woman?


You know the way you’d be looking back through history and wondering how the fuck the Germans were let away with the discrimination, the concentration camps and then ultimately the holocaust without anyone stopping them or even trying particularly hard.

Will future generations be asking the same of us I wonder

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Thought the same myself when I read that.
The world is so utterly corrupt at moment they can literally do what they want.

Muslims are easily vilified these days. Same as Jews were in the 30s.

I haven’t looked into this fully but I would estimate the majority of Muslim violence is directly as a result of the West meddling in their affairs.

They are inherently a peaceful religion.

China is getting too big for its boots. Someone from the West needs to write a strongly worded letter asap