The Official TFK List of Holocaust deniers

We are sending a lot of thoughts and prayers to Hong Kong already. Not sure we can do much more

im sure DFAT are on it :smiley:

Trump was all anti China bluster in his campaign and demanded new trade terms that would greatly favor the US but the ensuing trade talks that are coming to a concluion now appear to have been quite the reality check

well considering the US has a huge trade deficit with china, the chinese would do well to not piss off their biggest market

The US has become so dependent on the Chinese now it cuts both ways. Where would they get all their widgets from?

A hostage situation it was described as.

The Israeli state.

Liam Gallagher fans.

The anti Liverpool brigade.

The anti Limerick brigade.

@anon7035031 and @dodgy_keeper - not so much denying the holocaust, as openly calling for another one.

TINA, apparently.

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Awkward squad favourite Andrew Tate