The official tfk list of people who should “put a sock in it”

Ah here that’s a bit cruel.

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So the reason Waterford has the lowest cases is because they have the best hospital setting. Suggesting the spread of cases elsewhere is predominantly at hospitals and associated care settings and their staff? A very high proportion of Irish healthcare workers caught it, that suggests inadequate protection.

On the other hand, Greece has tested nearly a million people arriving at airports. 0.1% positive.

That should tell you where the risk really is and where to focus our efforts.

Ireland response: “close the airports!”

I’m sorry for the man but unless his wife got the flu in a pub it really doesn’t affect the argument.

Glas is out from under the bed and wants to go on holidays abroad it seems

So 1000 cases?

I just think we should be making decisions based on evidence, have clear plans of what we’re doing and generally should be in line with most of Europe.

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He owns a pub

What is? If we had always locked down, less people would have died of flu. There’s little to no downside to lockdowns apparently so maybe we should stay in a sort of lockdown forever.

It was a harmless anecdote about a man who lost his wife, no need for the smartarse comment in fairness,

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Calm down petal. It was an anecdote seemingly in favour of the lockdown. I don’t agree with the lockdown so I’m entitled to make a counter argument.


You’re awful ratty and contrarian lately. But it’s ok, a lot of people are under pressure.

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So close all the pubs every flu season?

I’m not trying to be a cunt and I’ve every sympathy for him but we have to start grasping the nettle here and opening up a bit.

Im just out from a swim so couldn’t be happier although the tide is so low I had to walk halfway out Dublin bay to get waist high. Our lovable friend Esteban who lets face it hasn’t exactly played a blinder during this shit show happened to meet a fella at a bottle bank who over the course of what couldn’t have been anymore than a minute or two disclosed to Esteban that he was a pub owner and that his wife died of flu. This anecdote happens to back up Estebans view on the lockdown but for some reason yourself and Barry Poppins feel nobody should comment on this strange interaction.

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Personally I believe Rural pubs could & should be opened and the risk of overcrowding would be low.

I can’t say I’d be as confident in larger towns or the Cities.
Nightclubs and busier Bars across the continent have seen clusters & infections from these settings.


I think Esteban has been vocal enough recently as regards OIUTF, mate.

He gave an opinion of a Publican which considering the clamour to open pubs is interesting.


Life moves a lot slower on the peninsula horsey. We talked about a lot of other things too.

I can try recall all of it, I just relayed the pertinent part to the pubs and the virus because I thought it was a very peculiar stance for a publican to have.

He seems like a lovely human


I’d agree. Add in limits on occupancy, distancing inside and penalties for publicans not abiding by the rules and I’d give the urban pubs a chance

Where did you go mate? How was the water?

I’m gonna say ‘wet’

Seapoint. The water this year has been incredible , can’t recall it being this consistently nice temp wise.