The Official TFK list of Soup Takers

Ah I see. Great to see the ambition.


Nice capacity but a bit of a dump of a stadium in a shit area, if we’re honest.


Why would the rogbee crowd care what UEFA have rated it as.

Iv never been. Do they only play ground football there?

Overall, a good idea to go to Glasgow. I think rugby fans from Ireland will go, it will be nice to see hordes of Irish people going over there to maybe watch an Irish team play in Glasgow for once.


It recently hosted the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony tbf. Also a bit of money has been put in around the stadium. Looks good on TV anyway.

This is only mild soup taking so

he just repeated my point mate

the velodrome outside is impressive

Needs a handball arena.

Have you been to Thomond Park?


Yep. Another dump, not sure what the relevance is though.

Very few stadia are located in nice areas. Most are in shitholes, I presume because the land they originally purchased was dirt cheap.

Lansdowne Rd and the RDS are in nice areas.

PUC and the Gaelic Grounds being two exceptions.

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deary me

There are numerous stadiums worldwide located in fine locations.

There are also stadiums located in grand areas.

I was talking about shitholes. Dunno why Mac felt the need to bring up Thomond Park apart for some likebait.