The Official TFK List of Things That Require An Asterisk Beside Them

2014 ballon d’or winner


This page

@Mac 's ability to father a child


@Manuel Zelaya’s marathon running ability

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2016 Cork Ladies All Ireland Football Final win


  • Not a sport
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2016 F1 title

Superbowl LIII

What happened? Nobody has broached Murican Football with me yet this morning but I’d like to appear knowledgeable in the canteen at lunchtime.

The MVP was suspended earlier this year for using PED’s.

Some joke in fairness

The NFL is hard on drugs.

Julian PEDelman follows in the shadowy footsteps of PEDton Manning.

Why did it blow up so much in baseball that time and now seems to be ignored in the NFL?

Was it an entertaining game?

Think Donegal 2011


Blacks and Latinos are more dispensable than good ol’ boys.

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4 game suspension for using drugs. :joy: And lads here letting on this “sport” has any credibility.

How was the half-time show? What was the best advert during the ad breaks?

Fucking losers.


I saw a video someone put up of the game condensed into three minutes. Christ it looked dull and that was the best of it. 4 hours of adverts for an average of something like 11 minutes of play time