The Official TFK List of Things That Require An Asterisk Beside Them

“Sports entertainment” I think would be more appropriate ala WWE

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Farcical. I’ll wait for @anon61878697 to get out of the scratcher and tell us how Pat’s D suffocated the LA’s O and which linebacker was the most destructive and who’s drugs are better.

In my experience it’s a game best appreciated in Ireland by manchildren


An excuse to go boozing on a Sunday from what I’ve seen.

To be fair if you took gambling and drinking away from sport there wouldn’t be many fans of anything left.

Not me. I love the purity of sport but I see what you mean with the likes of @Mac betting the farm on the gee gees and @anon61878697 getting rat arsed every Sunday night watching his beloved Titans.




You believe that?

Disagree, gambling is the ruination of proper sports and the activities that exist purely for gambling serve no useful purpose anyway


England’s win in the rubby on Saturday

If it wasn’t for the forward pass followed immediately by an offside then who knows???
I’ve just seen it back @Cicero_Dandi, it was forward in my book, can somebody explain how a ball that arrives three metres forward from the spot it was thrown is not considered forward? How can any ref adjudicate on that rule if all this forward momentum stuff is taken into account,

Physics mate.

How do they define this in the rule book? Forward is forward,
It certainly was not lateral anyway mate, clearly forward, I know that like me you’re not a rugby man, can anybody who knows the game help out here?

Forward is forward. Lateral is sideways. Was the pass forward or sideways, mate?

Forward mate, clearly forward.
The have those parallel lines running across the pitch to help out

It was lateral, mate. Draw a lateral line and draw a forward line, then draw the line of the pass.

Well now mate, it doesn’t need to be 90 degrees to be forward, closer to the opposition end line than the spot it was launched from would be my definition


The 2019 NFC Championship

Do you know the rules of rugby, m8?

I know that it’s agsinst the rules to pass the ball forward, a pass that begins a couple of metres inside the defensive half and reaches its destination inside the opposition half is forward,
But I’m waiting on somebody who knows the rules to help me out