On Friday next, June 7th, we are invited to elect seven of the above fifteen candidates to
represent the Howth-Malahide Electoral area at Fingal County Council. Of the above, seven
are outgoing while the other eight are hopefuls.
When elected, the Howth/Malahide representatives will be part of a 40-person council which
shares power with the management in setting policy and administering the county. Fingal
County Council covers a large and diverse area north of Dublin city. This region extends
from the coastal town of Balbriggan down to the bustling suburb of Blanchardstown in the
west. Major towns and villages within Fingal include Swords, Malahide, Howth, Skerries,
Castleknock, Leixlip and Blanchardstown. Each of these areas has its unique characteristics
and local issues, contributing to the overall diversity and complexity of governing Fingal.
Over the next five years the Council will have many important issues to tackle. Housing will
be the predominant issue, reflecting the broader national crisis. The council faces significant
challenges in meeting the demand for affordable housing and addressing homelessness. The
rapid population growth in the area exacerbates these issues, putting additional pressure on
the housing market, local infrastructure, and amenities.
Transport and infrastructure are also major concerns. There are ongoing debates about road
expansions and improvements to public transport. Initiatives to enhance pedestrian and
cycling infrastructure are also on the agenda, aiming to promote sustainable transportation
and reduce traffic congestion.
Environmental issues are particularly crucial given Fingal’s substantial rural and coastal
regions. The management of green spaces, coastal erosion, and sustainable development
practices are vital to maintaining the area’s natural beauty and ecological health.
In many ways Howth Sutton is very different from the rest of Fingal, being possibly the most
developed and mature area in the county. Additionally we have a more aging population.
While development will be a major issue in the north and west of Fingal, the Peninsula will
be more concerned with overdevelopment and protection of the existing environment,
particularly the SAAO area, as well as traffic congestion and safeguarding the direct DART
The role of councillor is a part-time one. Councillors receive an annual salary known as a
Representational Payment and also a monthly allowance for attendance at meetings as part of
their representational role. The representational payment is €28,145.00 gross per annum
(taxable), and the monthly allowance is €3,162.36 per annum. Both are paid monthly.
Additionally they can recoup travel and subsistence payments for conferences and training
courses attended up to a maximum of €700 per annum.
Having an effective council is very important for citizens. Recent polls show that the key
concerns in Ireland at this moment are housing, health and immigration. Health is outside
the realm of councillors as is immigration policy, although in their literature some candidates
promise to work to improve healh services and curb immigration. However, councillors do
play a major role in housing. While planning permissions and allocation of public housing are
an executive responsibility, zoning is in the hands of councillors as we in Howth Sutton are
very much aware. However, the provision and improvement of infrastructure are issues
which effect everyday life, whether it be roads, footpaths, parks, public recreational areas,
beaches or traffic. Overall, compared to Dublin City Council for example, Fingal has been
seen to be well served by both councillors and executive over recent years. A good working
Council is very important and that is why we should think seriously about who we send to
County Hall in Swords to facilitate and improve our everyday living conditions.
As stated previously we will have a total of 15 names on the ballot paper, together with
photos. For most of our voters on the Peninsula, many of these will be unknown. To assist,
we are profiling the candidates and leave it up to our readers to make their choice. We have
sent a Questionaire to all candidates inviting them to outline what they have to offer, if
already on the Council what they have achieved and asking them to identify what they see as
the important issues facing the Peninsula. Some have chosen not to reply and that is reflected
in the amount of information we can provide.
Our advice on voting? As transfers are going to be crucial in this election to fill the final
two or three seats, it is important that you list at least your first ten or twelve preferences,
marking them one to ten. Even make the time to vote No 1 to No 15, with 15 being the
candidate you least want to see elected.
The candidates below are listed in alphabetical order as you will find them on the ballot
And some people have told us they have not received voting cards. As long as you are
confident you are on the Voting Register, go along to your polling station with photo
identification and claim your vote. Or you can check if you are on the Register at gov - Check
the Electoral Register (www.gov.ie)
Tara Bailey responded to our Q’aire. She is one of two Sinn Fein candidates running in this
constituency. With an address at Drumnigh Wood, Portmarnock, she is concentrating on the
Malahide/Portmanock part of the constituency, leaving her running-mate to promote his
candidacy in Howth/Sutton/ Baldoyle. She is a qualified Special Needs Assistant and works
in a pre-school with a special needs child. She herself is the mother of a special needs boy.
At present she is also taking a course in Early Childhood education. As a volunteer she spent
four years as treasurer on the Board of Management at St Michael’s House special school in
Baldoyle. With regard to the Peninsula, she sees traffic congestion as a major issue as well as
the condition of the local roadways and footpaths.
Kevin Doherty did not respond to our Q’aire. With an address at Meadowbrook Lawn, Baldoyle, his
occupation is listed as retired.
According to the Sinn Fein website, Kevin, who is known as “The Doc” has lived in Baldoyle for
over forty years and has been a member of that party for over twenty years. He is claimed to be a
committed community activist but there is no detail provided. There is no record of Kevin being
involved or showing interest in Howth Sutton affairs According to his Sinn Fein running-mate, she is
concentrating on Malahide/Portmarnock while he will canvass in Baldoyle, Sutton and Howth.
Margaret Donnellan did not respond to our Q’aire. She is running as an Independent
candidate and is listed as living in Offington Park, Sutton. She is listed as self-employed.
Our understanding is that she is the owner and director of Bouchon’s Jewellers in Malahide.
She is also listed as a director of Malahide Antiques at 14 New Street, Malahide since 1990.
In a note on the Malahide Antiques Facebook page we note the following entry; “I’m so
incredibly proud of my wife Margaret Donnellan Community Candidate who is running for
election next Friday in the Howth Malahide Local Area Elections. As a fellow business
owner and mother to our 5 daughters Margaret is tired of the narrative within the Fingal
Chambers. She has advocated strongly for business as a founding member of #ShopMalahide
and as a resident of Sutton continues to champion for transport and housing needs in the area.
I’m asking you to give your #1 Vote to Margaret this Friday for a genuine voice to your
concerns in Fingal CC.
On her own page Margaret Donnellan writes ; “Local election candidate Margaret is calling for
improved infrastructure across the Howth/Malahide/Kinsealy areas, citing a lack of proper footpaths
and limited public transport options as key concerns for residents. Residents across the ward, from
Howth to Malahide to Kinsealy, have expressed their frustration with the current state of our
infrastructure,” Margaret said. “Many areas either lack footpaths entirely, or those that exist need
repair and upgrades.”
In addition to the local-link bus service, Margaret pledged to advocate for the continued full operation
of the DART system from Howth and Malahide to Dublin city center. “A well-maintained and
accessible public transport system is essential for a healthy and sustainable community,” Margaret
concluded. “I am committed to working with residents and engineers to develop a plan that meets the
needs of everyone in the Howth/Malahide/Kinsealy ward.”
Jimmy Guerin did not respond to our Q’aire. He was first elected to Fingal County Council in
2014 as an Independent and subsequently re-elected in 2019. Jimmy lives at Thormanby
Lawns in Howth. Previously a printer, his occupation is now listed as being County
Councillor. In his literature, Jimmy emphasises his position as being the only Independent
representative from Howth/Malahide on the Council and his non-alignment with any party
pacts. Housing has been his major priority and in his election literature he takes credit for
driving the sale by Fingal CC to Glenveagh of lands at Gallymastone, Donabate, for the
construction of 1,200 residential units. Controversially, he took much local criticism for his
motions during the preparation of the most recent County Developoment Plan to rezone
lands in the SAAO and Buffer zones to residential. For these reasons he has been seen by
some as pro-developer. However, he answers that he is not pro-developer but pro-housing at
a critical time of housing shortage. To encourage more housing development he is an
advocate of dezoning residential lands that have not been developed in the last ten years and
rezoning them to green belt. He has committed if re-elected, within the first year he will
bring proposals to Fingal CC to rezone lands to provide for housing and to dezone lands that
have been zoned residential but not built on…
More recently he had success at the April meeting of FCC at winning the battle to twin
Howth with the French Riviera township of Cap d’Ail despite opposition from the Howth
Community Council (See separate story). Another development facilitated by him was
bringing the international gaming company Riot to Airside Retail Park, where that company
is reported to have brought 150 jobs in the former Wright Venue.
Cathal Haughey responded to our Q’aire. Although residing at Feltrim Road, Malahide, his
main concentration over the past two years has been on Howth Sutton affaires, while leaviing
Portmarnock/Malahide issues to his FF running mate, Eoghan O’Brien. We understand that in
the last week he and his wife Roisin had their first baby who they named Ruby Grace. Cathal
is the next generation of the Haughey political family being a grandson of former Taoiseach
Charles J. He currently works as a Parliamentary Assistant in the Oireachtas which, he tells
us, “has given me experience in dealing with queries from constituents and making
representations to various Government Departments, Public and Private entities. This role has
given me a deeper knowledge of legislation relating to the functions of Local Authorities
including housing, planning and community infrastructure and amenities. I have an
undergraduate degree in Social Sciences, a Masters in Public Policy both from DCU, as well
as an Advanced Diploma in Electoral Law and Politics from the Kings’ Inns.”
Cathal has also worked closely with his uncle, Sean Haughey TD and so is very familiar with
issues in the Dublin Bay North Dail constituency. Since deciding to run in the local elections,
Cathal has involved himself in dealing with local issues and is a regular presence at Howth
Sutton Council. .
From his dealings with constituents in Howth and Sutton, Cathal has noted four key areas of
concern and has responded to us as follows. “ Our sports clubs are crying out for more
pitches, particularly all-weather pitches. FCC recently turned down Howth Celtic’s
application for an all-weather pitch. FCC needs to be proactive in providing and facilitating
sports infrastructure.”
“There is concern in Howth-Sutton as to the over development of the area, particularly with
apartments that local people feel are either only for rent, or too expensive to buy. We do need
more housing in the area and more sustainable town planning.
“Crime, in the form of anti-social behaviour is a big worry to people in the area. On sunny
weekends, we have seen chaos on our beaches, trains and towns. While I think we need to be
much tougher on a national level in terms of sentencing, at a Council level I would raise with
Gardaà the need for more resources and patrols of black spots.”
“Finally, I am strongly against the threat to a direct service to Connolly implicit in the
DART+Coastal North Public Consultation documents. These would mean loss of a direct
service, it would be harder to get a spot on a train after switching, safety and accessibility
issues at Howth Junction, increased wait times at the level crossings impacting all road
users and a negative impact on tourism and local economy.
“There are a myriad of reasons to be against the plans. Simply put, you should not increase
the population of an area whole simultaneously downgrading the public transport services. I
have made representations to my Government colleagues on this.”
David Healy responded to our Q’aire. He has resided at Evora Park, Howth over many years
and works as a policy adviser to Minister Eamonn Ryan. David has been a strong advocate
since his first election to Fingal CC on Howth Sutton issues, particularly on environmental
and planning issues. He sits on the SAAO Management Committee, assists with Howth
Pathways and is a strong advocate for the preservation of that area and ensureing open and
improved public access to the pathways, the wildlands and beaches. He was among the
councillors who successfully opposed proposals to rezone High Amenity zoned land in the
SAAO and its buffer zone, including the attempt to rezone Howth demesne lands for housing.
He recently was a prime driver in the achievement of a feasibility study and funding for an
architectural competition for improving access to Balscadden Beach. He was also a strong
advocate for bicycle lanes at Baldoyle and on the Howth Road, while supporting the
extension to the Howth Childrens’ playground and new public toilets.
When asked to name the most important issues facing the Peninsula he answered that these
were to continue to defend the SAAO,ensuring sensitive and effective management in the
interests of biodiversity restoration and sustainable recreational access; facilitating
improvements to public transport, management of motor traffic and parking, particularly
visitor; nature-based protection of soft coasts from sea level rise and erosion; provision of
housing to purchase.
On the latter, he added that “there’s a lot of concern at the risk of development of apartments
which might, like those at Santa Sabina, only be rented and won’t be on sale. This is in spite
of a clear demand to buy an apartment in their local area from residents who would like to
move out of a larger house. I have listed a motion which, if I’m re-elected, will be taken at
our July meeting, to initiate the process to insert the following provision into the County
Development Plan,: Apartments not designated as Build to Rent
Policy SPQHP33A
Apartment schemes not designated as Build to Rent may be subject to a planning condition
requiring that all or some of the units must be first occupied as a place of residence by
individual purchasers who are not a corporate entity and/or by tenants of social
or affordable housing, including cost rental housing. The proportion of units, up to 100%, to
be covered by such a condition will be determined in the Development Control process,
taking into consideration the demand in the area to purchase an apartment, particularly the
demand to purchase an apartment to move to from a larger dwelling.”
David is one of the leaders in support of access to Deerpark, to the various rights-of-way and
to Aideen’s Grave. He is supportive of a direct DART service to Connolly and recently
voted for the twinning of Howth with Cap d’Ail, recommending that a further twinning with
a suitable Brittany fishing village be pursued.
Joan Hopkins responded to our Q’aire. Joan lives at The Coast, Baldoyle and works as a
Community Development Manager at the Community Centre in Baldoyle. Joan is a regular
attendee at Howth Sutton Community Council meetings and is very active in Howth Sutton.
She knows the area well having grown up swimming at Balscadden and Red Rock.
In 2020 when Cian O’Callaghan was elected to Dail Eireann, he nominated Joan to take his
place on Fingal CC and this has proven an excellent appointment where Joan has worked
alongside Cian giving us a combined Dail/Council team working for the benefit of the
Peninsula. In her four years on the Council Joan has been very active and has chaired the
Council’s Sports Policy Committee. Among her special interests have been the protection of
the SAAO, pushng for footpath and road repairs, working for full public access to Aideen’s
grave and traditional rights of way, development of the Sutton to Malahide Greenway,
fighting for the retention of the direct DART service and promoting transparency and full
public consultation on important community issues.
Responding to our query re her special contributions on the out-going council, she replied “ I
commissioned Fingal to produce a full Sports Audit of the county and I hope it will be
published soon as we are well short of sports infrastructure, particularly all weather pitches.
We are experiencing so much development in Howth and Suttont, such as on the Techrete
site, but have yet seen any dividend to the community – this must change. We have started
to make progress on footpath repairs. I have met with senior Gardai regarding staffing levels
in Howth and with Irish Rail re ongoing issues with anti-social behaviour. I am fighting for
social housing on the Tuckets Lane site, have raised universal access for Balscadden Bay and
for Aideen’s Grave and rights-of –way.”
“During the creation of the 5 year development plan for Fingal I proposed a motion to protect
the unique character of Howth Village, its SAAO and its ACA. Howth has been under siege
for the last number of years with out of character overdevelopment. We need investment in
our public realm including an extension to the library and the opening of a
community/arts/cultural space. I have not yet given up on the hope we might bring Howth
Castle and Irelands Eye back into State ownership.
“We are living in a coastal area that is under threat from coastal erosion and flooding –
Unwilling to wait for action by the government, as a private citizen, I sought a licence from
the NPWS to set up the EUs first ever Seagrass Restoration Project – seagrass is a powerful
plant that protects us from erosion and flooding. We have partnered with The Marine
Institute in Galway for this flagship project in Baldoyle Bay (including Burrow Beach/Sutton
Creek).I do not accept improvements on the northern DART line should be done at expense
of the Howth line.
“ As a committed member of the SAAO committee I reject any proposal to rezone these
special amenity areas. I have an excellent track record proposing motions to that end.
Vedh did not respond to our Q’aire. Vedh is an 18 years old student currently completing his
education at Sutton Park School. Born in India, he came to Ireland at an early age,
commencing his primary education aged four at Belmayne Educate Together before
transferring to secondary in Sutton Park in 2018.
We are not sure where to begin with Vedh and should probably have a separate article to
describe his activities over his eventful 18 years. Everything we read about him points him
out as an outstanding scientist and innovator. His interests lie in computational oncology,
electronics, mathematical modelling and computer science. At age 7 he was giving Maths
grinds. From aged ten he has worked on a number of very advanced innovator projects. His
first, at 10, was on an optimised system for traffic lights, where his role was working on the
electronics and software. The project was a method of reducing the waiting times of cars
and pedestrians at intersections by using sensors in the ground. The project won the Intel
Excellence in Science Award and 2nd place in the overall Mini Scientist Competition. Since
then he has worked on a guidance system for the blind, a new type of walking aid, a reusable
and doctor-less solution to disease diagnoses. He has a patent pending for the latter called
Bloodbox. He has been a constant winner at the Young Scientist of the Year. Each Summer
100 of the world’s most accomplished high school students gather at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) for the Research Science Institute (RSI). RSI is the first cost-
free to students, summer science & engineering program to combine on-campus course work
in scientific theory with off-campus work in science and technology research. Vedh was
invited to be part of that group in the summer of 2023. There is much more and we may
come back to Vedh in another issue. But to conclude, we have to say, this guy should be
using his talents in science, not in politics and not on Fingal Co Council.
Anthony Lavin did not respond to our Q’aire. He resides at Chalfont Road, Malahide and
works as a Customer Care Manager. With two Fine Gael councillors representing the
Howth/Malahide constituency, Anthony concentrates on the Malahide/ Portmarnock area
while leaving Howth/Sutton to his colleague Aoibhinn Tormey.
Having said that, Anthony has over his period on Fingal Co Council taken an interest in
Howth matters, has been seen in Howth regularly and has been supportive of Howth/Sutton
Brian did not respond to our Q’aire. He resides at Strandmill Road, Portmarnock and has
been a member of Fingal CC since 2014. He currently works in the Oireactas for Aodhan O’
Riordain TD as a Parliamentary Assistant. Prior to this, Brian who has a Business degree
from UCD, worked as a Business Consultant.
He is highly regarded on Fingal CC as a hard worker and dedicated councillor. Although
concentrating his activity to the Portmarnock/Malahide part of the constituency, he has been
highly supportive of Howth and Sutton, particularly on support for the SAAO and opposition
to Howth Demesne rezoning,
On his website he tells us that his priorities are community services, sustainable transport and
active travel, decent affordable housing, proper planning and protection of our community
He adds “ I worked hard to deliver the Portmarnock Baldoyle cycleway and to support
community organisations sports clubs and voluntary groups. I participate in local clean coast
and tidy town initiatives as well as working with sustainable energy committees and other
local groups to improve our areas. I have a background in Software Sales, and community
arts .”
Jamie did not respond to our Q’aire. Jamie McGlue, with an address at Thormanby Court in
Howth, describes himself as a teacher, author, podcaster, poet and truthseeker. He was born
and grew up in Perth, Australia, but has now come to live in Howth where his father was born
and his grandmother was Bridget McGlue who at one stage worked in the Abbey Tavern. In
addition to this week’s local elections, it is his stated intention to run for Dail Eireann in the
next General Election. See www.jamiemcglue.ie
Although running as an Independent, a Google search lists Jamie as a founder member of a
new political party, Gaelic Awakening. This party describes itself as a “cultural movement
seeking and embodying the realisation of Irish potential in a 7-fold awakening – spiritual,
emotional, intellectual, physical, political, economid and cultural. Its website is
In its policy statements, it says No to the WHO pandemic treaty, No to mass immigration,
No to non-Irish voting in Irish elections, No to using climate change to dismantle our
economy and strip us of our freedoms, No to eroding military neutrality, No to future
lockdowns, vaccine mandates or vaccine passports, No to a cashless society, digital ID and
social credit score, No to indoctrinating children into transgenderism, No to Central Banks
and their government partners stealing our money via inflation. Among its aspirations are
saying Yes to reviving Gaeilge, our worthy traditions and the consciousness of the poets, Yes
to letting the Irish be Irish, humans be human and government mind its business. For full
information on its policies, check out its website www.gaelicawakening.ie.
Margaret McGovern responded to our Q’aire. With an address at The Moorings, Malahide,
Co Dublin, Margaret is a Clinical Nurse Manager running for Aontu and is a past pupil of
Santa Sabina, Sutton. .
She replied “ I am a clinical nurse manager and I have worked in the public and private
sector for the past 14 years. I care deeply about people in our society. I am advocate for the
most vulnerable in our society who need help. I chose to stand for election to translate this
care into helping people at political level. I want to make society a better place for people
where they feel listened to, respected and above all cared for and recognised. Over the last
few months when calling to the residents of Howth and Sutton, I have come across boarded
up council properties. The lack of planning and proper consultation with local people is
unacceptable. I been made of aware of serious traffic congestion such as ambulances being
unable to get to emergencies. This is unacceptable. I will make sure that there is appropriate
consultation for new developments with parking and congestion to be taken into
consideration. She commits to strongly opposing the loss of the direct DART service from
Howth, Sutton and Bayside.
She is strongly opposed to any proposals to rezone Howth Castle grounds for housing and is
concerned at the closure of rights-of-way. Her other concerns is the predominance of
housing for rent rather than to buy in the Peninsula and with the failure to develop school
and healthcare facilities to cater for the increasing population.
Margaret would be seen as a Pro-Life candidate, having in 2018 been a founder and
spokesperson for the Nurses&Midwives4Life Ireland group which petitioned the then
Minister for Health, Simon Harris, calling for him to consult with them and enssure that the
new abortion laws beiing considered then allowed for conscientious objection.
Rachel did not respond to our Q’aire and despite our research there is little we can inform our readers
about her. Her address is at Drynam Heath, Feltrim Rod, Kinsealy. She is on Linkedin where she
tells us she initially worked as a School Bus Monitor and is now a trainee SNA (Special Needs
Eoghan did not respond to our Q’aire. Originally from Malahide, his current listed address is
Kettles Lane, Kinsealy. He has been on Fingal CC since 2007 when he was co-opted to fill
the seat vacated by his brother Darragh following the latter’s election to Dáil Éireann.
Darragh is now Minister for Housing.
Eoghan was the sole Fianna Fail candidate in the 2019 Local Elections and headed the poll
with 3,561 first preferences. His concentration has been entirely on the northern part of the
constituency – we note from his X account that what he terms his “Howth/Malahide Local
Newsletter” is this week hitting the doors across Kinsealy, Malahide, Portmarnock, Baskin
and Balgriffin as part of his final canvass push. No mention of distribution in Howth, Sutton
or Baldoyle. His only presence in the Peninsula that we can recall was in March 2019 when
he came as Lord Mayor of Fingal to the Summit Car Park to greet the royal visitors, the Duke
and Duchess of Cambridge. Other highlights during his term of office were the opening of the
Casino Model Railway Museum in Malahide and the opening in 2020 of the Portmarnock to
Baldoyle Greenway.
He has previously worked as a Business Development Representative with an FMCG
company but is currently listed as a full-time County Councillor.
Aoibhinn responded to our Q’aire. She now resides at 75 Sutton Park, having previously
lived on the Harbour Road. She has now served five years on the Council having been first
elected on the second count in the 2019 Election. She is a regular attendee at the Howth
Sutton Council and involves herself in Howth and Sutton matters.
Asked for highlights of her contribution to the area over the five years, she listed the rezoning
of the access laneway for Suttonians RFC, her proposal for a Sutton playground, her
advocacy for new public toilets, for improvements on Burrow beach, one way system on
Burrow Road during Summer and improved road and footpath surfaces. She was opposed to
proposals to rezone Howth Demesne lands and to the proposed new roadway to the Castle.
She supported the successful campaign to retain the direct bus route to the city centre and is
opposed to the DART North proposal as they affect Howth, Sutton and Bayside.