The Official TFK Man City* šŸ Supporter Thread (Nobody Gives A Flying Fuck About Them)

Pep at war with the fans. Very unseemly

Lot of focus on the great reception Citehā€™s Ukrainian player Zincehnko got yesterday.

What doesnā€™t seem to have attracted much comment is that Mr Zinchenkoā€™s employers the UAE rogue state abstained in the vote condemning Russia at the UN on Friday night, along with India and China.

Zinchenko happy enough it seems to continue to trouser his weekly pay packet from the UAE rogue state that wonā€™t condemn the Russian invasion, while other Ukrainian sporting stars like the Klitschko brothers, Olexandyr Usyk and tennis player Sergiy Stakhovsky have enlisted to fight for their homeland.


The silence is deafening from the likes of City footix @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

A vile ownership

Isnā€™t @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy a Spurs fan these days? Or maybe heā€™s changed again. I canā€™t keep up.

Iā€™m not sure actually. Heā€™s had nearly as many clubs as air miles. He was a big Chelsea footix before.

Do you itā€™d be better if he handed his wage back mate?

The Premier League needs to overhaul their ownership structures.

If heā€™s going to continue as an employee of a paymaster who supports the invasion of his homeland, maybe divert his wages to a Ukrainian refugee fund, or other such charitable cause.

Joanne shoving it down Boycotts throat

Have you diverted your wages to sinn Fein then?

Iā€™m not an employee of IRA/Sinn Fein.

Typical evasion

These Manchester City and Chelsea players have voluntarily chosen to ply their trade for employers who are a front/owned by autocratic human rights abusing murdering rogue states.

Is must be a different United Kingdom that keeps welcoming these despotic offshoots into their national sport, let alone how they are underwriting the political parties there

The boy is coming home. The cunts.

Huge surprise.