The Official TFK Man City* 🐐 Supporter Thread (Nobody Gives A Flying Fuck About Them)

Incredible scenes. We are truly living in a special time for football

Paqueta to come in, big Kalvin Phillips. Is there anyone else he might go for or will that be it?

Maybe a winger but palmer might offset that and might be the reason mahrez was let go

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Another medal for big Scott, some life that of a 3rd choice keeper :joy:

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Kerr is done with this analysis, and has stopped listening to Tommy. So much so he just asked him ‘what are you asking me Tom’.

Paqueta deal is off according to my sources

Fuckin Chelsea.

Fucking idiot

And West Ham sponsored by Betway :joy::joy:

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I’m confused. Why would Man City back out of signing a cheat?


Complete accident, case closed

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Huge pity he hadn’t already signed for Man City when this surfaced

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How much money could he realistically have made doing that shit. And then he loses out on absolute millions on that transfer

That’s way worse than what Toney did and he got a serious ban

We don’t know the pressure he was under but it’s definitely worse than Toney’s actions

Lads lads lads

Fucking mugs game

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I’d guess, and sorta hope, that he was being blackmailed or coerced into doing it. If it’s just outright greed, he needs to be spending some time inside a prison cell