The Olympics

And commented on by wankers

I’ve no idea who does the commentary but I agree.

This could go on for days.

Casey gone

Clutch putt by Rory. 5 left

Rory sees off the Brit and the Jap

Hon ta fuck Mc

Did he win it?

Saw a suggestion few weeks ago that after every hole they should be made take one club out of the bag :joy:

This could go on a while

Great drama all the same


Didnt get out of bed on the right side either this morning

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I’m not here to give you a tug and a cuddle, fucko.

Adv Rory

Some drive

McIlroy and the Chilean seem the only ones who are any bit relaxed. The rest of the lads don’t know where to look

He’s fierce cranky since he lost all his PUP money on Crypto scams.


He’s making us all proud this morning mate.

Morikawa :ok_hand:


Some shot

Fuckin hell, McIllroy needs to nail his now