The Olympics

Greg called it from a long angle camera shot about 2km ago.


Ah you see that in the women’s olympic marathon quite a lot and I never agree with it. You’re at the Olympics, finish the race.

Most serious athletes support it though

And you’ve lads wanting to get rid of public service broadcasting? Imagine Virgin doing this and Matt Cooper or some gobdaw from Off The Ball trying to commentate on this ?


Its not cool runnings

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This is unreal by the 2 boys on RTE in fairness

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Jepchirchir almost looks to be leading Kosgei out as If she will step aside

We’ve two races here lads - one for 1-2 and there could be one for third

A graphic like they have in the tour de France showing gap between leaders (tete de la course) and chasers would be handy

Edit - one popped up there, the Japanese producer mugged me off

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Ah no, Seidel should be more than fine for 3rd

It’s unreal how Chepchirchir is able to run like this with that hair swinging from side to side.

Seidel might get back into this as the two Kenyans start to play cat and mouse. Also psychologically Seidel gets a boost as bronze guaranteed


David is calling 50 metres, 8-9 seconds. I believe him.

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Oh it’s on now!!!


This is fantastic.

Seidel back in this lads

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Motorbike get in her way ?

The area here looks like the walk from Quinn’s to Fagan”a in Drumcindra

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Kosgei struggling now lads

Kosgei is fucked