The Olympics

There were a few times there in the 2nd half of the final set where I though Nhat could have gone for the smash but he let it go.

As Jimmy Magee would have said, “all Nhat has lost is a match, he was won so much more”.

Were they not beat in the early hours by NZ?

It’s easy misjudge a sport after watching 5 minutes of it.

Somebody beat them 4-2. Maybe Germany.

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McSharry misses out on the semis

All the adulation must have gone to her head.

Are they out then? That’s their second defeat.

She was ranked 28th coming in and finished 20th with an Irish record


Top four in the group go through so if they beat India, they should be through.

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There’s a hint of Graeme McDowell off Tennessee based Mona McSharry’s accent.

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Is Nhat out?

He disgraced us. Good riddance.

You got me there mate…or you would have, if the bank in question hadn’t been Irish.

What have you ever done for Ireland you dunce?

I served two tours in the FCA.


Terrific recovery after a brief stumble. Nhat-esque….

Fixed that there for you

Easy crack jokes pal … But you never experienced the chill of Kilworth shooting range - Or the savage murderous locals in Clonmel while on active duty… I’ve seen things you people could never imagine.

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These lads that have never given the country any service will never understand what you went through

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