The Olympics


You’d expect that in Trinity in fairness.

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Drinking, forced stripping to your underwear and whipping are “middle class”? I’ve heard it all now.

I’d say that’s closer to upper class and they’ve turned it into a means to release their repressed homosexual tendencies. Like they do with Rugby

Trinity College also have a boxing club by the way, if you want to use some of your own logic

Clubs raise money for all sports. It’s a niche sport, with less than 4,000 members and is hugely influenced by the universities. Doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with that.

I’m sure they all wear blazers before the regatta too

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Well they have an annual colours match against UCD and regular competitions against Oxford and Cambridge. As working class as egg and chips sure.

Sure isn’t showjumping for the elite and we were all doing it around Weston without fences or saddles as children


Proper sporting organisations wear blazers.


The influence of universities on boxing is negligible.

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By your logic so, American Football is middle class

Ah, the shifting goalposts. Have a good afternoon Tim

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Bernard Dunne is a Trinners man.

Is today up there with the greatest ever Irish sporting achievements? Top 3 surely?

Nope. US colleges are different regardless but I don’t consider any major field sport watched by the masses as “middle class”. Rowing is not that. There are a few places it is popular in Ireland but universities are a large part of it.

The hoops some lads are jumping through here would definitely rank as top 5 anyway.

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There’s no shifting of the goal posts. University is a negligible influence on boxing. It is very important for rowing in the U.K. and Ireland, in particular.

Box office final rotation in the gymanastics coming up. The beam has sorted the women from the girls.

Suni Lee in pole position on 43.733. Urazova of ROC is on 43.566. Beyonce fan Andrade has fallen back to third on 43.532.

It’s all on the floor now.

How many of the Irish in Tokyo only took up rowing as a serious pastime in university?