The Orange Goat, Killester, Dublin 5 stalking thread

Good spot.

Good work from Horan too. Twice now he’s done good


Live spot:
Either Ben or Jerry O’Connor. With his family boarding the plane to Cork from Palma. Incredibly fit looking, could still do a job for you I’d say

What sort of job exactly? A jump on the missus?

I’ve messaged a mate of mine who is married to their cousin to confirm which one for you.

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How did that message go exactly?

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Michael Darragh McAuley twice on Camden Street last Friday. Once going down the street on a skateboard and then later talking to a bouncer outside Devitts


I had some errands to do last night but I needed cash so I drove to the ATM. As an aside, cleaners should acknowledge that nobody wants to carry cash any more and not being on Revolut is very inconvenient. Since the BOI branch closed in Killester village and with that the ATM too, and because these fucking Euroconnex ATMs in Supervalu and a couple of nearby petrol stations have a €4 withdrawal charge, I drove to the AIB ATM at the top of St Brigid’s Road at the Killester/Artane border. I withdrew money to pay Anita and Sandra for this morning’s cleaning and then made my way to the Centra in the triangle at the Killester/Donnycarney border.

The triangle could be described as gritty. There’s the tiny opticians that nobody goes to (only some very elderly people) and the equally elderly optician is usually spotted standing outside his premises smoking. Then there’s the All Care Chemist owned/run by a Wexford native, which is permanently locked and they buzz you in once they suss you out. I forget his first name but he’s a son of retired St Peter’s College career guidance teacher Philip O’Sullivan. Sully, a lovely man, told me I’d do well to break 400 points for the leaving and I should put down Business Studies in WIT as my number 1 and there was no point focusing on the university options in Dublin or elsewhere. It was the exact opposite of the perceived/received wisdom…put down what you want, not what you think you’ll get. Gas really when you think back.

Then there’s Gary’s centra shop but I hadn’t realised it closed at 8pm. Then there’s two unoccupied premises, which haven’t been used in years but still have the old shop signage/frontages - a bookies and a chipper. Then there’s the weird house/flat in the middle where yer man has lots of newspaper/conspiracy theory clippings stuck on his front door. Poor Roderick O’Gorman getting grief on there lately. Then there’s the Chinese and then there’s the seemingly rough pub The Ramble Inn, the closest pint option to Parnell Park. A recent development is that there’s now an Indian restaurant/take away called Bawarchi or something attached to the pub. They seem to have given them the lounge and consolidated the roughness into the bar.

I digress. As Centra was closed, I decided to drive over to Supervalu in the main village (open until 11pm daily). I needed to get some staples for this morning such as bread and milk. The car park wasn’t particularly busy but, as I’m a terrible driver/parker, I drove up towards the back where it was very quiet and where I’d be less likely to clip another vehicle or person. I was strolling back down towards the main shop entrance when I spotted one of those sponsored Dublin GAA Mitsubishi cars parked up ahead of me. I noted that it was same car they’ve had for the last year or two and the reg was either 20 or 21. I mentally noted that losing their title last year and the covid years might have resulted in the sponsorship gravy train slowing down a bit. As I neared the stationary car, I realised that there was an occupant tip tapping on his phone in the driver’s seat. I had a glance as I went past and it was former FOTY Brian Fenton. I bought the items on my list and, as I was walking back to my own car, I confirmed that Fenton had left.


Perhaps the most middle class comment on TFK today.


The last 3 or 4 people I have asked about this have looked at me with disdain as if it was a completely out of order suggestion. Is it not the handiest thing ever?

Having Revolut or having a cleaner ?

A fair question. I meant Revolut but can apply to both though I guess.

Revolut is a traceable bank. Other banks ask for your revolut statement if you apply for a mortgage, which could come as a shock if your primary revolut function was to put money into your online gambling account. Similarly, revwnue can demand access to your bank/revolut statements. Cash is still king, untraceable and beautiful.



Our Revolut statements were required for recent mortgage application

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy won’t like all that ICE vehicle use for short journeys around Dublin North

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Good man James.

The stories are true then

Irish banks ask for an arm and a leg compared to Britain

They looked for a lot of things but it all seemed fairly straightforward to me.

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I was put foreign recently and one of our party paid his substantial enough hotel bill in cash. The girl behind the counter nearly keeled over

Ive had tidy profits from PP over the last few years. Thats gone now