The Orange Goat, Killester, Dublin 5 stalking thread

We’re cute enough sneaking across the border. Great to be learning new songs also. What’s the craic with this fenian blood. Nice melody but I don’t understand the words

Just change Fenian for Fullen Gaels, and you’ll get the drift.

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The drift is well and truly got.

Do you know sometimes you know the air of a song and can’t put your finger on where you know it from. Thanks @flattythehurdler :laughing:

Wo Oh
Wo Oh
We are the Mitchell’s boys

These cunts are up to 36% in the latest Red C poll despite these sickening GGA banter tweets.


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Ehhh did you see the Emer Higgins video/videos?

Who: Kieran Donaghy
When: 11
45am, today.
Where: Secret Garden Cafe, Carrickdale Hotel, Co Louth.
Details: ‘Star’ was in buying a takeaway coffee. I presumed he was en route to something for Armagh GAA. However I spotted him again with his wife and kids in the grounds afterwards and Croppy Junior 1st was being chased around the place by @count_of_monte_crist . Mr Donaghy did not seem perturbed to be so close to a fabled club football full back who, admittedly, wasn’t doing the best man marking job on a four year old.

Pavarotti must have left a suit to MacLochlainn


The gaa crowd really like that hotel. Who owns it?

McParlands from Down.

Probably as much down to motorway proximity as anything.

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I was there at 1pm mate :open_mouth:


Left at 12.45pm. Lose one!

Yikes! I think Donaghy has some backroom role with Armagh so presume that’s why he was there. Were ye at a wedding?

Nope. Just a family get together.

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Did you see the vans that were broken into in the car park?

Looked like they’d been gone at with a massive tin opener. Loads of power tools taken apparently.

Jaysus I didn’t see that at all. Ah sure listen, it’s wild country there. Anything could happen

Bandit country.

Never liked high ball.


Who: James Horan
Where: Loughrea Plaza
When: An hour ago
Demeanor: In good spirits at the e-charge. He was a true good spot taking a pic with two North Galwaymen and wished us well in the hurling exclusively.
Goss: James let slip he’s had a great journey indicating an upcoming parting of ways.


He might enjoy vehicular travel on motorways? Not unknown for inter county managers.