The Orange Goat, Killester, Dublin 5 stalking thread

One from a week ago.

JJ Delaney walking around Kilkenny City, pushing a buggy on a number of occasions. JJ still looks fairly trim but he could do with making a bit of a effort with whatever’s going on with his hair.

I’m guessing he was pushing his own child in the buggy and was with his missus who seemed to be pregnant again. A newborn at 42ish years old I’d rather you than me JJ


Is he not playing with the club?

Jaysus he was some bit of stuff with Waterford

I’m sure he is.

He’s back playing with the Junior B’s, heard him on Brian Carrolls podcast say they won a county final last year. His first one.

He won county seniors with De La Salle.

Ah fu*k, i thought it was JJ delaney ye were on about. My bad.

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That’s ok bucko.

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The more offspring that lad has, the better…


The Mahony brothers of Ballygunner and Waterford fame in Grow HQ. The Ballygunner boys breakfast in Grow HQ every weekend. A couple of the dishes on the menu are dedicated to them.
As an aside Grow HQ has the best breakfast in South East Waterford.


Did they have the fry?

They usually have the omelette. I was sitting in a different part of the restaurant to them so I couldn’t see what they had today.

Any lad in a kitchen place this weekend should keep his eyes peeled.


Who: Football legend Maurice Fitzgerald
Where: Sarsfield Street Limerick (I know, I had to take a couple of looks to be sure)
Attire and demeanour: Very relaxed as would befit a man who still looks like he could do a job at junior level at least. Polo shirt and jeans combo.

Maurice wasn’t a selector this year.

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Edit incoming

Limerick legends Stephen Lucey and Seanie Tobin chatting outside TKMAXX a while ago, seemed very easy in each other’s company and both looked extremely fit,
I heard a Fitbit of their conversation where Seanie said something like ‘we just couldn’t close it out’ Lucey seemed surprised and asked was he playing,
I thought that Tobin had packed up all hurling and Murroe Boher were well beaten at the weekend.
Can anybody solve the mystery?

Seanie Tobin is coaching Glenroe who drew with Newcastle West after leading for much of the game


You nosy cunt :joy:

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We were all thinking it!

Who: Ex interclub junior harrier hurler (who scored all his sides points in something years ago) and celebrity twitter abuser @Bandage.
Where: Opposite the Elphin there yesterday morning on one of his runs.
Detail: @Bandage was wearing a blue t shirt. He was running on his toes as the man says and while trimmer than the Bandage of old, the barrell chest showcases his powerful running motor. While quite a long way from home, he didnt look like he was in full flow, more like he was in unfamiliar territory and was unsure of his bearings. As that can’t be true, i surmised (upon realising he wasn’t wearing his trademark running bandana) that he was feeling the heat on a very hot sunday morning.