The Orange Goat, Killester, Dublin 5 stalking thread

Nooooo……Target the opening line.

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Who: TJ ‘Teege’ Ryan.

Famous for: Playing and Managing Limerick back in the halcyon days, coaching St. Thomas’s and more recently being a part of Dalo’s Pod

Where: Dunnes Stores, Tipp Town

When: Circa 11am today.

Other notes:
Teege in his shiny Audi A6 absolutely blew my old Skoda out of the water in the car parking stakes before proceeded to enter the shop simultaneously with our trolleys. We both cut isolated figures at times in the cut and thrust world of supermarket shopping. Some people have an entourage of husband, wife and 2 kids with them but myself and Teege were flying solo. I found myself in the eye of the storm at one stage struggling to locate Marietta biscuits in a sea of Rich Tea, Chocolate Digestives, Jaffa Cakes and Fig Rolls causing a bottleneck of an aisle and receiving some deathly stares from more seasoned shoppers. Teege was in a similar predicament at times meandering his way through the store, fumbling and foostering with a “list” that had possibly been prepared by his wife. I was a little more efficient with my time and eventually reached the checkout well clear of Teege.

Overall Teege had an unassuming supermarket manner and i would say he is an alright sort.


Like awarded for detail but his manner at the deli counter would have significantly raised the quality of the engagement.

The possibility that he wasn’t headed there counts of course but it’s one to watch for going forward (Use Michéal Martin accent here)…


Great post.

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Live spot Eddie Keher Gate 109 Dublin Airport


Advance spot playing golf with Noel Skehan tomorrow, Eddie Keher here also

God love you.


Waterford played Kilkenny in a testy enough league game in Walsh Park in 1983 I think. Damien Byrne made his debut as a 17 year old at full back. He was sent off for flooring Christy Heffernan. All hell was breaking loose and there was a melee in the Kilkenny square and Pat McGrath (who unusually was playing full forward) pulled on the ball and hurl ball and all hit Skehan in the arse. As the the referee was booking Pat Mc a Kilkenny fellow roared in “you should have tried his mouth, it would have fit there”


I’ll note to file for tomorrow


I may have been at that match. I think Waterford won by a point? Skehan is a bit of a dose from all accounts. He was a great keeper around dem days.

Ah no they bet us well. We were beginning our free fall to Division 3.

Me and me mate were talking about this earlier. Was hurling so shit in the 70’s/80’s/early 90’s because Waterford United were so successful or was it just shite county board management?

I was a young lad sitting in the cushioned seats in the middle of Wexford Park around 2003, watching Wexford vs Kilkenny in Walsh Cup final, about 15 at the time. I’d have known Keher’s face well, being the young gaa aficionado that I was. Said hello to him, thought he seemed sound. Next thing Skehan, behind him goes “I’m Noel Skehan” mind you, I didn’t know him as well. Thought that was strange. He’s obviously not the unassuming type.

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Very twee story verging on TNH


There’s a thesis to be written on that question. You could argue that the fall to Div 3 wasn’t the outlier, but the All Irelands in 48 and 59 were the outliers, backboned in 48 by a once in a lifetime hurler, John Keane and in 59 by a once in a generation Mount Sion team in turn formed from a Harty Cup winning team of 1953, Waterfords only Harty Cup until Derek’s De La Salle teams of the 2000s.

Waterford were generally very poor for most of their history. We didn’t win a Munster Championship match (save against Kerry) until 1926 and didn’t get to a Munster Final until 1931. The city was Redmondite until the 1950s and not a hotbed of GAA activity at all. Mount Sion was a rugby school until the Brothers changed tack in the 1920s as part of a drive to Gaelicize the City.

Soccer was dominant in the city until the 1970s until its own mismanagement drove FC to bankruptcy. The County Board was a mess divided on East West lines and by a Mount Sion vs the rest mentality. They were too busy infighting to worry about things like a county ground or underage teams. It was all about getting one over on the other crowd.

Eventually a couple of heads like Tony Mansfield, Greg Fives and Jim Greene cut through the bullshit and started organizing proper under age county teams. That led to modern Waterfords year zero, 1992, when we won the under 21 and lost the minor final and things started to fit into place after that.


Skehan is a dose and was a lucky keeper. Won his six all irelands when there wasn’t much coming through and he stayed on too long.

“Puck out the apple Noel”

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I’d say you won’t get a word in pal.

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Noel was great craic when I introduced myself he asked where I was from, I said you mightn’t like it, his response was it better not be fucking Tipp🤣 we got on famously after that plays right handed but putts left handed a nifty player still for his age. Plenty of oul war stories a few about Cody that I won’t be putting up, they’re great pals.


ye are only new money to them sure.