The Orange Goat, Killester, Dublin 5 stalking thread

Joe was certainly doing all the talking

Not the glamorous brunette so. Probably Audrey

I saw the Louth gaelic football squad receiving a Garda escort on the Malahide Road just after midday.

I wasn’t long after hopping off the #15 bus having returned from competing in the Terenure 5 Mile Road Race (cc TFK fun-running thread). Competitors were urged to cycle, walk, jog, use public transport or carpool to & from the event in order to help save the environment so I was happy to oblige (cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy).

It dawned on me that my life partner was taking the kids to the park to meet pals for 12.30 before heading back to our friends’ new house for food. I therefore made the tactical decision to stall around the general Malahide Road area for a while to avoid the prospect of having to join them on their excursion.

I went into the Circle K diagonally across from Donnycarney Church & bought some chewing gum. Then I decided to walk up the road & into Maypark, as I could hear cheering & general noise one would associate with underage Killester Donnycarney FC football matches taking place on the pitches there.

I was on the Malahide Road side of the Maypark pitches watching a competitive girls’ U9 match when I heard the sirens followed by the unmistakeable sight of the Garda motorbike outriders coming from the direction of The Goblet down the road towards Donnycarney & onto the city. I noted Louth were travelling in an Anchor Tours bus & it was white, sky blue & royal blue. It had the usual little sign on the dashboard indicating it was the Louth team.

I watched them whizz past & then saw the opposition keeper let a trickler into the net through her hands. I checked my watch, realised it was 12.14, reasoned they’d be well gone by the time I completed the 15-minute walk home & so commenced my stroll home to Killester.

I’m now home alone, still sitting in my running gear, but smarting from a list of odd jobs my life partner left me.


What brand of chewing gum mate?

She mugged you off good and proper mate. She threw out the line about the park meet-up, knowing that you would swerve it and head home.


Oldest trick in the book

Schoolboy error.

Amateur hour

I spotted David Gough again earlier today walking into Blanchardstown shopping centre with a younger foreign looking gentleman.

Saw Éire international football Alan Browne at the airport this morning with his family.

I threw you the magic 10 there sport but was mildly disconcerted with your penchant for girls U-9 football.

You must never be at home these days with all your travelling

Not GAA or Rubby

Clocking up the miles alright. On a mini-break with herself.

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Mrs @Locke: “oh, lovely! A little break in Portugal!”

@Locke: “we’re just flying to Portugal. Then it’s a 10 hour bus journey to Madrid, and a day of trains to Bratislava, and then back. You will absolutely love the Geneva train station”


@Locke - bringing new meaning to ‘tipping away’.
You’ll note he passes the time on these endless journeys reviewing the HPR thread. A gas man.

A few posts of foamy pints from a tavern across the road from the train station in Stuttgart or Salzburg, and he telling the Mrs he doing a bit of work when he has the HPR spreadsheet opened up.


Up 3 places in the rankings. The European spot looking more secure with this away result.


Who: Darragh Egan
Where: Talbot Hotel Wexford town
When: Live spot

Mr Egan was in the Ballast Bar, presumably getting lunch. Mr Egan posed a pensive mood with a clipboard in hand trying to mull over how to beat the North West neighbours. Mr Egan wore a shorts and a t-shirt.