The Origins of the Phrase 'A Thundering Disgrace'

I love that phrase and here are the origins of it…

When, in the aftermath of the assassination of the British Ambassador to Ireland, Sir Christopher Ewart Biggs, the President, Cearbhall O Dalaigh, referred a number of key anti-terrorist Bills to the Supreme Court to test their constitutionality (in accordance with his constitutional right as President).

Paddy Donegan, an outspoken minister with a reputation for saying the wrong thing and who it turned out had a drink problem and had taken some drink that day, lashed the President as a “thundering disgrace” in a speech to senior army officers.

Some reports in later books claimed that the term used was “thundering bollocks and fucking disgrace”, a version the President told a dinner party subsequently which he evidently believed was the correct one. However, the only journalist who was present at Donegan’s speech insisted that the term Donegan used was “thundering disgrace”.

O Dalaigh actually resigned after that because Liam Cosgrave would not sack Donegan thus undermining his position as President…


[quote=“farmerinthecity”]I love that phrase and here are the origins of it…

When, in the aftermath of the assassination of the British Ambassador to Ireland, Sir Christopher Ewart Biggs, the President, Cearbhall O Dalaigh, referred a number of key anti-terrorist Bills to the Supreme Court to test their constitutionality (in accordance with his constitutional right as President).

Paddy Donegan, an outspoken minister with a reputation for saying the wrong thing and who it turned out had a drink problem and had taken some drink that day, lashed the President as a “thundering disgrace” in a speech to senior army officers.

Some reports in later books claimed that the term used was “thundering bollocks and fucking disgrace”, a version the President told a dinner party subsequently which he evidently believed was the correct one. However, the only journalist who was present at Donegan’s speech insisted that the term Donegan used was “thundering disgrace”.

O Dalaigh actually resigned after that because Liam Cosgrave would not sack Donegan thus undermining his position as President…[/quote]

Thats why they’re all called T.D.'s now

But they were called TDs before the phrase ‘thundering disgrace’ came about…


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[quote=“farmerinthecity”]But they were called TDs before the phrase ‘thundering disgrace’ came about…


Farmer dote,
If you make it any easier for me, Shannonsider’s handicapper hat will have to be exercised.

Good programme on Cearbhall O’Dalaigh there on TnaG.
