The Overrated Thread

Iā€™d usually go for the fish at a wedding. The beef nearly always comes back out for seconds anyway

Itā€™s a tried and trusted method. Have the fish first and then the leftover beef after.


You cant bate the bafe

Look, I have nothing against bafe. Iā€™ve had bafe many times before and some of my best friends are bafe eaters ā€¦ but just stop. Itā€™s only bafe ffs.

Shtop, the bafe is for the men and the fish is for the women.


I ate pints at weddings


At a friendā€™s wedding around 10 years ago they asked for people to select their menu choice between monkfish and chicken on the invitation because they were using an outside catering company.

One of his uncles. scribbled them out and wrote in beef. A townie though.

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That is a magnificent Tipp man strategy :clap:

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How could you drink 15 pints of Porter on a Shtumuck of Fish???

Jaysus now that is hungry.

The beef always comes back around mate.

Some lads are playing draughts, while youā€™re playing 3 dimensional chess.

And eating the pieces once he catches them.

Proper roaster behaviour!

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Sleeves rolled up, tie loose and guiness spill all over the white linen


Canā€™t beat it.

Would a fella having the fish at a wedding be considered a bit of a qware


I am what I am. Itā€™s a good three/ four hours before the Afters grub is going to be coming.


And you mightnā€™t even get a chance to stock up there!

Surf and Turf :clap:

Is the Salmon gone the way of the dodo now at weddings? Last few weddings Iā€™ve been at were all Sea Bass, Monkfish or even Trout

I had salmon at my wedding. The mother-in-law would have went mental if it wasnā€™t on the menu.