The Overrated Thread

Heā€™s only a con

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A con with a comp button in every barbor shop in Dooblin

Dropped today I see


He will struggle to get his place back after Connolly scores 3-10

Connolly as likely to be sent off as he is to be MOTM


Commentators eye


Yerrah, sure Mayo were hammered by Kerry and bet out the gate by Roscommon. Theyā€™re not a serious team at all at all.

Watched it last night for the first time in years and it still does very little for me. Hackman was far better in The quick and the dead a couple of years later.

Thereā€™s no hope for you.

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Joe Schmidt.

All of the Ireland Rugby Team

The position rugby holds in the hearts of the nation.

It doesnā€™t even hold that, all hype mate.

Then again itā€™ll be great to see all the Voda heads saying ā€œoutā€ after this weekend


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Liverpool Football Club

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The beef at the Dunraven

Fucking roasters banging on about beef at weddings ā€” would you go way ta fuckā€¦ you can have bafe any day of the week, would you rural cunts ever branch out and try something else on the menu?