The Pay Your Respects to Dead Racehorses Thread

You can see in Erecā€™s soulful eyes there, heā€™s haunted by the pressures of the sport. No doubt a lot of unresolved issues from his childhood and his castration.

Iā€™d say they could make an unreal ā€œBehind the Fameā€ type documentary about Erec.

He was a stallion mate

With the leg break, could he not have recovered and stood as a stallion?

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No. They tried it before.

How do you get a horse to keep his weight off a broken leg ?

Is this like the elephant into a mini joke?

even if you could get it to keep weight off itā€™s leg it would get laminitis in the other ones. There really is nothing can be done, you could keep it in traction until it heals. Even then itā€™s almost impossible to get the leg to heal, the bones are so light they shatter and bend before they break to the point where you couldnā€™t get the leg to heal right.

It really is the most humane thing to do in the situation


No, they get more pleasure from shooting them ā€¦ all they had to do was keep him elevated in a contraption for a few weeks and come in and move his other legs manually . All the money in horse racing and they cant save a poor horse after bate-ing it around the field

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He was in a very bad place near the end.

Iā€™ve been playing around with Twitter @Copper_pipe

Josses hill. Gallop free my old friend.

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Hard to type this one :disappointed_relieved:

Swamp Fox :pleading_face:

A horse that defines everything good about NH racing.


Sorry for your loss, mate.

The Swamp has been drained.

Not the Fox news any of us wanted to hear.

Fuck off you dumb cunt.

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I was expressing sympathy with the horse, its connections and National Hunt racing followers in general, pal

Your ignorant reaction to a post made in good faith is something that does the image of National Hunt followers no good

Real racing people could do without boo boys like yourself

Lady Kaya :cry:

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Nothing breaks like a leg,


She has lost her battle with Colic

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