The people who must be shitting themselves thread

Met Epstein and Maxwell in the late 90’s in New York, on my observations their crew were willing participants

Andy doesn’t sweat

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Indeed. He may well however be shitting himself.

Randy Andy

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Ukrainian people.

It’s terrible

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120k russian troops on their border now. The biggest massing of soldiers in Europe since 1945. For reference Russia used 70k when they invaded Georgia.

Yeah deeply troubling times. I was too young to understand the tensions associated with the cold war in late 80s early 90s But they are probably some parallels with now. I hope this can be diffused and Putin doesn’t see Bidens comments as an open invitation to act. As you said largest ground offensive since world war 2 and NATO split down the middle on what to do.

You’d wouldn’t want Biden or trump in charge of the states at the moment when it comes to this sort of stuff.

Putin can do what he likes. The Germans have sold their souls for gas.


Putin could cause more chaos with the twist of a valve than any invasion.


They know Biden will do nothing. Trump would be a bit more unpredictable.

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I don’t know about NATO being split down the middle, I don’t think there is any appetite anywhere for full on conflict with Russia.

Trump would be handier in all honesty, he absolutely wouldn’t intervene at all. America first.

When Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons US and UK agreed to back them. Lots of weapons and possibly some troops going from UK to Ukraine at the moment seems to be on the back of this commitment.

This is important as if Ukraine not backed then any other third party country will feel in their rights to develop their own nuclear deterrent.

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Trump owes his success to Vlad

It’s appalling if they are abandoned.
Liz truss has threatened Vlad with a strongly worded email though (likely misspelled, and decrying his intervention in somewhere like Armenia, before asking if he’d be interested in buying some pork chops and missiles)


And the Brits sold their souls to bank the oligarchs stolen money.


Only a matter of time…

It was 28 minutes into Joe Biden’s press conference when the gaffe came - and it was a jaw-dropper. Especially if you were watching in Kyiv or the Kremlin.

The US President appeared to say that, if Vladimir Putin were to make only a “minor incursion” into Ukraine, then Russia would not face devastating sanctions.

His exact words were: "Russia will be held accountable if it invades. And it depends on what it does. It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and we (in Nato) end up having to fight about what to do and what to not do, etcetera.

“But if they actually do what they’re capable of doing, it is going to be a disaster for Russia if they further invade Ukraine.”

The comment whizzed around the world and, as the implications of what he had said sank in, a journalist read it back to him.

Was Mr Biden giving “permission” for a “minor incursion” by Russia into Ukraine, the journalist asked.

Mr Biden laughed and said: “Good question. It did sound (like) that, didn’t it…”

In this image taken from footage provided by the Ukrainian Defense Ministry Press Service, a Ukrainian soldiers use a launcher with US Javelin missiles during military exercises in Donetsk region, Ukraine, Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2022. President Joe Biden has warned Russia's Vladimir Putin that the U.S. could impose new sanctions against Russia if it takes further military action against Ukraine.

Ukraine soldiers conduct military exercises in Donestsk region CREDIT: Ukrainian Defense Ministry Press Service/via AP

In Kyiv, there were accusations Mr Biden was giving a “green light” to the Kremlin, and anger that he would publicly make a distinction between different levels of Russian attack.

According to the Ukrainians, that was a particularly dangerous thing to do as Mr Putin’s preferred option is believed to be a limited incursion.

It led to suspicions a deal was being done behind Ukraine’s back. Indeed, the fear in Kyiv was that Mr Biden had not so much been wrong, but that he had inadvertently told the truth.

Whatever he meant, it was an example of Mr Biden saying too much, and talking loosely, a failing for which he has form.

In his first press conference for 78 days, the President was perhaps seeking to demonstrate his command of detail, ultimately speaking for almost two hours.

But the moment he finished White House officials desperately scrambled to “clean up” the remarks on Ukraine.

They said what Mr Biden had been talking about was the divisions in Nato over how to respond to Russian aggression. It was also suggested that by “minor incursion” he had meant Russian cyber attacks, rather than a small military invasion.

Following the presidential misstep it was left to Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, to state the official US position.

“If any Russian military forces move across the Ukrainian border, that’s a renewed invasion, and it will be met with a swift, severe, and united response,” she said.

A White House national security official added: “He (Mr Biden) was referring to the difference between military and non-military/para-military/cyber action by the Russians.”

Within the hour it was also announced that Anthony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, would make a speech about Ukraine the following morning in Berlin.

Mr Blinken was expected to deliver a much more forceful commitment to the defence of Ukraine than his boss.

For Mr Biden it was the latest gaffe on foreign policy.

In October, his officials had to calm the waters after he suggested the US would come to Taiwan’s defence in the event of an attack by China, appearing to shift Washington’s delicate longtime policy of “strategic ambiguity”.

Russian President Vladimir Putin listens during a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, Friday, Jan. 14, 2022. (Mikhail Metzel, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

Vladimir Putin has yet to respond to the US President’s remrks CREDIT: AP

On Wednesday, when he was first asked about the Ukraine crisis, Mr Biden said: “He (Mr Putin) has never seen sanctions like the ones I’ve promised if he moves (into Ukraine).”

That was what he was expected to say, and his advisers must have wished he stopped there. Instead, Mr Biden then embarked on a lengthy analysis of what he thinks is going on inside Mr Putin’s head - a notoriously difficult thing to predict.

He went into great depth speculating on what Mr Putin might believe about a variety of subjects, including fires on the Russian tundra and nuclear war.

If he was watching - it was the middle of the night in Moscow - Mr Putin must have been rather puzzled by it all.
But he will have concluded that the door to Ukraine may be ajar.

The senile old cunt is a danger to the world


This is what you’re getting into with Piers Morgan followers. She must be a thundering cunt