The people who must be shitting themselves thread


Zouma bate the shit out of a cat, and now heā€™s a fucking hero :joy:

Could he identify as a cat himself to calm this down??

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You were calling for unvaccinated people, a group which would be made up of a lot of people from disadvantaged areas as well as immigrants to this country, to be cut off from all government supports and excluded from society not 2 weeks ago. Let them die in the streets was the gist of your rhetoric.

Get down off your high horse.


Think that might have been me to be fair, mate.

And me.

Seems a company called SuperBam has recently taken over the job.

The same unvaccinated people who wanted to cancel people and did cancel people by spreading a killer virus.

The filthy animals.

Zouma playing tonight, that will drive some of the usual suspects absolutely demented :joy:

Filthy animals? Thatā€™s what you think of immigrants and people from disadvantaged areas. Well at least youā€™re owning it. You fucking scumbag.

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Iā€™m off to Whitford for a carvery @Bandage

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A bizarre incident no matter what actually happened, werenā€™t you banned off the back of all that, it wasnā€™t you??
Did you do the twitter stuff??

Interestingly the lad who accused porter of grabbing his flute has since been cancelled. Something about riding around on women he was seeing and they all found out. They eviscerated him on twitter. I donā€™t think heā€™s been heard from since on the comedy scene. Iā€™d say he emigrated.

By singling out immigrants, thatā€™s a racist, post, buddy.

Itā€™s also a sneering, classist post.

And genuinely extremely nuts.

I got banned because somebody here, letā€™s call him [REDACTED AT POSTERā€™S REQUEST], because thatā€™s who it was, made up a fake Twitter account pretending to be me to doxx another poster. I post on Twitter under my real name. Somebody else from here set up that other ā€œotherā€ account and we can have a pretty good guess who it was.

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He was banned for a day for mocking a cancer victim. Itā€™s a total coincidence that a Twitter onslaught against his perceived enemies was launched in retaliation. Anyone suggesting such is a far right conspiracy theorist.

Everybody knows you made up that FBI nonsense, and probably the Twitter account as well. Iā€™m surprised you had the imagination to be able to do it, to be honest.

Art Foley has said some of the most hateful shit ever said on this forum against me and you and others supported it.

Youā€™re a total hypocrite and and a pro-cancel culture extremist.

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I donā€™t post on Twitter and I didnā€™t introduce the FBI on any of my dispatches to TFK at the time.

I suspect you are barking up the wrong tree or just barking mad.

I wouldnā€™t be one bit surprised by that. Thereā€™s a lot of gee bags here like @treatystones, @Julio_Geordio
@gilgamboa and @Juhniallio fawn over him because he throws up a few tips but heā€™s a psychotic, dangerous bastard. He threatened to contact my work place and my wife with content from here.

Heā€™s famous catchphrase tho , that multiple people get a good laugh from is #hopeyourwellā€¦

Heā€™s a great man for sending the PMs and signing it with a hope your(e) well.

I have his real name and social media accounts if you ever want to dox him back.

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I didnā€™t do that and you know well I didnā€™t.

Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF by Saturday Night Live