The people who must be shitting themselves thread

He deserves a hiding that so and so


What the fuck was he at, fucking clown. Some of the comments are bizarre

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Wouldn’t that carryon be common enough in the horsey set?

They don’t give a fuck about horses, it’s all money, gambling etc, like that other fool who sat on his dead horse to take a phone call


I often leaned against a dead animal while ringing the knackery. No big deal.


Just more bad luck

Most of them would be fairly pig ignorant alright but I’m not sure how he thought it would be ok to say that in front of the general public

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Ted comes out with one of those once a big meet on average.

What did he say?


A horse didnt perform well so he said it should be beaten

Typical horsey cunt

Shur they get beaten even if they perform well.

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Ffs. Talk about flogging a dead horse…

Great doper.

Any US citizen who isn’t white and male.


What’s this brah?

Joe and the dems are doing a great job.

SJ now stands for Super Joe.

SCOTUS GOP appointees preparing to do what their religious paymasters want of them.
Under his eye, blessed be the fruit.

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May the Lord open.