The people who must be shitting themselves thread

Heā€™s a watery enough character, Burke the FGer is a lot more visible in terms of local media, announcements etc. This story is definitely going to hurt him and I could see some of his middle class vote drifting to Burke with SF taking some of the working class and old school republican vote he still had.


They spent 15 minutes on this on the news at one. All I took was HAP is disclosable and not RAS or maybe vice Versa

He was asked at end of interview if his properties were all compliant with fire regs ā€¦.

I took from it that, while technically it was his fault and responsibility, it wasnt his fault or responsibility because he didnt know it was wrong. He didnt know that you had to disclose all your assets in the part where it said ā€˜disclose all your assetsā€™. Sure how could you. And there was nothing wrong with him speaking in the dĆ il for a ridlse in hap and ras payments(from which he would benefit and hadnt disclosed) because he spoke about some other things too. And that he barely looks at this stuff himself and has 2 other companies look after itā€¦but also that because heā€™s so on the ball he had workmen ready to go to entirley refurbish a dilapidated house that he flipped for nearly double the money in Longford. But again that wasnā€™t worth mentioning because why would you? That was money he made mid year. And everyone knows money you make midyear doesnt need to be declared in any way.


Top class he is.


Watery as you describe sums this mogul up nicely. Heā€™ll have to forget about being a property tycoon for a few years and get his political life back on track. His advancement prospects are like last yearā€™s snow - melted. Heā€™ll do well to keep his seat the dozy bollocks.


Itā€™s a real August, silly season story. The 2022 version of Big Phil getting hounded out of the most influential European Commission posting for eating his dinner inside instead of outside, after a golf tournament (which heā€™d won).

Itā€™s essentially just a bit of cumbersome form filling and red tape that a busy Public Representative wouldnā€™t have the time to be dealing with. It does highlight the importance though of having competent staff and constituency office to fill out these forms correctly.

When Deputy Troy said he was embarrassed by it all, my initial thought was no wonder. He only has 11 properties. Frank Fahey had amassed a property portfolio three times as much by the same age


Oh oh. Lets hope Bobby T doesnt read here. Going on Danā€™s judgement of the big Phil case then there is a fair chance Robertā€™s fat ham of an arse will be on the bacon slicer.

The most beneficial course of action for this chump is to step aside from his position as half-minister in the public interest and avoid prolonging the agony. Itā€™s not as if heā€™ll be missed from the national stage and the sun will rise tomorrow. Heā€™s hardly a full-time heavyweight political colossus, heā€™s a glorified property speculator/ landlord. Fuck him and his property portfolio.


Thatā€™s a terrible logo on the letterhead from that solicitor firm. A two-bit operation.


Is that John Connellen who was having a pop at the Dublin footballers when they were winning?

If Bobby t is reading this heā€™s a hypocrite and a cunt. A born politician.

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State solicitor for Longfordā€¦


Fair play for getting them out that quick in that case

Experts in wills, conveyancing, personal injury, commercial law, international law, libel, and agricultural land deals for cash.


The Ditch

That solicitors letter clarifies that Deputy Troy is tax compliant. He should have the whip hand so in those defamation proceedings to restore his good name.

It seems like a total non story.

The mob havenā€™t had a target for a while now so i guess they were always going to after something trivial like this.

Theyā€™re far from a 2 bit operation lad, theyā€™re in practice there since God was a gossĆ³Ć³n. Themselves and Geartys are in practice since the 40ā€™s Iā€™d say.