The people who must be shitting themselves thread

That’s very brave to say the least



I’d say that chump ‘Fat’ Frank Lampard isn’t looking forward too much to the week ahead.

Same for you Brendan Rodgers, another bluffer. ‘We’ve gotta work harder’ :rofl:

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Graham “management consultant” Potter isn’t far behind

We need to look at this holistically guys

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Jordon Walker

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If he exists he’s toast.

Crazy shit. Outright evil if genuinely the case

Project Veritas is about as untrustworthy a source as there can be

Yes, but Id be very very sure that covid was man made.

What’s the gist of it? Can’t see that on my phone.

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Whether the case or not, that’s in the past. To think they might then be purposely mutating it so as to supply medicines to counter it is dastardly stuff.

Be interesting to see this lad in the coffee shop giving more interviews

basically a video of an alleged pfizer employee saying pfizer are mutating the virus.

Fucking hell.

he said in the bit I watched he didn’t think it was gain of function. He said it was so they could get out ahead of the virus for vaccines etc.

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Whatever he said he didn’t want it getting out

So he told strangers about it in a cafè.


Whats the difference between gain of function and directed evolution that makes a virus more transmissable and deadly? There is a teams organisational chart below which shows he is some class of director couple of levels removed from the CEO Albert Bourla.

I don’t know. That’s what he was saying though