The people who must be shitting themselves thread

I’m afraid you’ve reached this week’s quota for bot interactions

@Ceist , if you were to ride a software package, which one would it be?

As an AI language model, I cannot ride a software package. However, if you’re asking which software package I prefer, I don’t have personal preferences as I’m designed to assist users with their queries regardless of the software they use.

@Ceist how do you put @myboyblue and @Locke on ignore?

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I’m afraid you’ve reached this week’s quota for bot interactions

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Ronan O’Gara

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Leo Cullen

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Till Lindemann
Welfare cheats cheat us all…wait

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Chairperson of the audit and risk committee. nice one.

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How’s Boxty?

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Noel Kelly

Paul Flynn. The pile on has commenced.

What’s he after doing?

Is he involved with players association still? It seemed like a very classless thing to tweet.

The man made himself available to play in a cakewalk Munster Final (where he wasn’t really needed) in the midst of his mother’s death. Flynn should be laying off the heavy handed criticism and leave that to the edgy crowd

Flynn always struck me as a fella who’s desperately trying to not be a complete cunt.