The poor grammar, spelling and syntax thread

I told you he was struggling with that sign

That’s a really common one these days. Painfully bad.

Isn’t Michael Fennelly a teacher?

Lecturer in LIT Tipp I think


The misuse of commas is driving me bananas here recently, particularly the passive aggressive/sarcastic use of a comma before the word mate or pal
There’s only lad here has it in every fucking post.

:rollseyes:, mate



You could say he’s giving a tour de France, slotting every available pelanty.

Is it ok to start a sentence with “However,”?

I’m only after sending an email with a sentence starting with “However,”…

Srinivasan, is that you?? :eek:



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It is. However, try to avoid using it if you can.

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People using ‘take’ these days instead of ‘opinion’ :roll_eyes: