The Post Election Meltdown log Thread

Absolutely do. All legal votes should be counted

Except the ones that voted blue of course.
Even uncle Rupert and puppet boris have turned their back buddy. Time to get real

In Michigan they even gave Red votes to the Blue side :wink:


The Right have an awful problem dealing with reality

@Batigol bookmarking posts for some future revenge fantasy I see :smile: :smile:


The long game

The INTERNET is serious business

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Absolutely no way an Irish super Trump fan isn’t an incel or severely hen-pecked.


Nigel Farage

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Are you planning to show some meltdowns on this thread? It’s a bit boring so far. :grin:


Oh man he’s doin all he can to keep the crazy in

I thought he’d be the only one to manage to contain themselves but looks like I gave him too much credit

He’s hanging on barely

The only meltdown I see here is from @Lazarus and @myboyblue because of the lack of post election meltdowns


Deary me. This is tough to watch. Hooch is crazy.

Wouldn’t be like a Trump groupie to only see what he/she wants

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