The Prestigious L. Cahill Camogie Queen 2015

The Easter rebellion was a 5 day skirmish and they are still bringing out endless
books, songs, and commemorations on it.

Jaysus fagan Tis a harmless enough interest all told .

Are you coming to Limerick the next 2 weekends ???

The Easter Rising was a five day skirmish that kicked off 7 years of national tumult the reverberations of which can still be felt today.

After the Limerick Soviet the boys stopped being pretend commies and life went on as normal

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is the tipp one really that big or is that just a bad photoshop? the skort thing pulle up to her bellybutton does her no favours either.

A few lads with hurleys down the country beating up large farmers and protestants.
Go way out of it.
There was a power grab by the middle class.
That’s all thats going on today, squabbling to see who controls the peasants.

this thread is a right throwback to when a man could view a woman as an object without the risk of being savaged by the twitterati and losing his livelyhood

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The photographer must have said “now on three, everybody scowl”

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